The Student Room Group

Cutting her out of my life.


I dunno if any of you have read some of the posts ive put on here lately basically about me being a paranoid person with my bf. I'm so scared of him cheating on me with this girl he works with.

Well I know I need to be less dependant on him. And everytime I see her come on msn or something, Ii hate it, it makes me feel sick cos I know they're talking. I'm so insecure and paranoid and I know it's gotta stop cos I know he's getting fed up with it now.

So i've decided to delete her from my msn, and not do something else when he's chatting to her online when im with him and also not go have lunch with my bf when shes working there. (I only work round the corner you see). But i'll go sit by the beach or something.

Think this will work? I think it will.

As much as I don't want to say this, you're really overthinking this.

I appreciate it's not easy to change the fact that you feel so much paranoia, but you've gotta learn to have more faith in your boyfriend.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do anyways. :smile:
Reply 2
I think you should grown some balls and dump him if you think he's going to cheat on you.
Reply 3
Yes; why not deliberately marry your mistrust with obsessive-compulsive tendencies?
Reply 4
Actually I think it's a good idea. :smile:

Well done for seeing that it's you with the problem and for doing something about it before it ruins things between you!
I've probably said this to you before, but your jealousy would be the most likely thing to drive your bf into this girl's arms no matter how much he loves you. I'm not saying you can get rid of your jealousy just like that, but you need to become good at hiding it so that what your bf sees is a relaxed secure girl rather than someone who's desperately insecure and paranoid about him going anywhere near this girl even if that's how you feel inside. Once you can master this, any attempts the other girl might make to snare him will just look pathetic and you will be the much more desirable option in your bf's eyes.
Reply 6
Simply deleting her from your contact list isn't going to solve your feelings of paranoia or jealousy. You have to delete her from your mind.
Reply 7
I've probably said this to you before, but your jealousy would be the most likely thing to drive your bf into this girl's arms no matter how much he loves you. I'm not saying you can get rid of your jealousy just like that, but you need to become good at hiding it so that what your bf sees is a relaxed secure girl rather than someone who's desperately insecure and paranoid about him going anywhere near this girl even if that's how you feel inside. Once you can master this, any attempts the other girl might make to snare him will just look pathetic and you will be the much more desirable option in your bf's eyes.

Reply 8
Simply deleting her from your contact list isn't going to solve your feelings of paranoia or jealousy. You have to delete her from your mind.

...and make yourself vibrate an a high frequency.

/Summer Roberts
Stop worrying so much as people said before especially angrybanana, you being jealous will drive him away, my ex did the same to me, she was always jealous and in the end I got sick of it and ditched her. Sorry to sound harsh but you have got to stop being so damn jealous. Have you even tried getting to know this girl, she maybe a nice girl for all you know.
Reply 10
Ask him to take your dog to the vet, itl be a nice bonding session :rolleyes:
Reply 11
It's my life
Have you even tried getting to know this girl, she maybe a nice girl for all you know.

Yes, when me n my bf got together and she hated him for it at first, then we were ok and chatted to each other. I wouldn't say we were best friends or anything but we would chat. But then half way through our relationship, she decided she hated me for getting with my bf.

She said some real nasty things about me n my bf and I can't forgive people easily. They were good friends at college before he met me so he can forgive easier. Plus he's that kind of person anyway.

Also, trust me, i'd love to stop being so jealous, I don't want to be so if any of you know how I can stop all of this then please let me know.

Reply 12
This is not going to improve your relationship with your boyfriend. Eventually your BF is going to realize you're deliberately avoiding her and want to know why. Then you have two choices: tell the truth, that you don't trust him. Or lie to him, and say it's just because you hate her.

When you let her get to you, you are putting her above your boyfriend in importance.

I'm sorry to sound harsh but would you like it if your boyfriend got all obsessive and started, like, questioning you or something every time you talked to a guy?

Best of luck with your situation though. I hope you make the right decision.

Also, trust me, i'd love to stop being so jealous, I don't want to be so if any of you know how I can stop all of this then please let me know.

Just imagine his relationship with her is like yours with one of your guy friends you'd never consider dating. Or brother.
Reply 13

I dunno if any of you have read some of the posts ive put on here lately basically about me being a paranoid person with my bf. I'm so scared of him cheating on me with this girl he works with.

Well I know I need to be less dependant on him. And everytime I see her come on msn or something, Ii hate it, it makes me feel sick cos I know they're talking. I'm so insecure and paranoid and I know it's gotta stop cos I know he's getting fed up with it now.

So i've decided to delete her from my msn, and not do something else when he's chatting to her online when im with him and also not go have lunch with my bf when shes working there. (I only work round the corner you see). But i'll go sit by the beach or something.

Think this will work? I think it will.


i don't think it will work. the best way is that, you must change the way you thinking towards them, and not being to paranoid about it