The Student Room Group
Reply 1
pof not that hard. not much math
210 moderately hard. ok amount of maths
monetary theory hard. would not do this if you are a gen course.
dunno bout internationalization of growth.
Reply 2
Perhaps wait for some people who have actually experienced those subjects to reply. :smile:
really? Two of my friends who are doing Econs are dreading the idea of taking AC212 as seniors told them it's ****ing hard!
Reply 4
everyone i know has said POF is a joke.
Reply 5
I heard it's a pain up the ass as well.
Reply 6
I am taking POF. It's very useful if you're interested in going into investment banking or just interested in knowing more about the financial world (stock, options, etc). There isn't much math. I mean the math itself is very basic, it's more the understanding of the ideas behind that's very important. I don't think it's that hard but it's not a joke either (drs1357: perhaps you should take the course yourself before you tell people it's an easy class or that it's a joke)

To be honest, I don't think it differs much from other finance courses that are offered at other unis, since they tend to use the same textbook and cover the same material (I've talked to people from other unis doing finance). It's definitely not an impossible course, but I would agree that you need to have an interest in the subject, otherwise it could be a very dry/boring course.
Reply 7
Really, Monetary Economics (EC321) is hard? Has anyone taken this course? I dont mean to underestimate the difficulty, but I've taken an intro to Macro, intro to Micro, and intermediate Micro, each of which I've done very well in (A's). Does anyone have any sample material from EC321?
Reply 8

there you go dude. mate of mine said it was hard, and he got all firsts in first/second year...
Reply 9
No one here can offer first hand experience as to how difficult EC231 was?