The Student Room Group

Ignore the arrow, the west gym is the one on the left :smile:
Reply 2
I have an exam in Caedmon Hall... am I right in thinking that's at Hild Bede? If so, where?
Reply 3
Caedmon is kind of where number 8 is on the map. But it'd be best to go through the entrance on the other side, next to the car park.
Reply 4
That map confuses me... Say I'm walking from town, which way do I go to get to the west gym? :confused:
Reply 5
That depends. Are you going via claypath or past Chase along the towpath?
Lol I had hell finding it. I couldn't in the end. I asked for directions but no-one knew where it was. :confused:
Reply 7
I know where the east gym is. Do you reckon if I go there and just head west I will find it?
While we are on exam locations, where the hell in Palace Green is 'Palace Green 21'...?
Reply 9
Chocolateflake99 - Palace green 21 is located across the other side of Palace Green from the Palace Green library. Walk past the police office, Almhouses restaurant, then a door, and you come to two big doors which lead to the Pemberton lecture rooms. These include rooms 20, 21 and the debating chamber.

Everyone else - The West Gym is well hidden. I only know how to get there from Old Elvet so that is where I will direct from. While walking down Old Elvet turn left down the side road before you reach the Philosophy department. Walk straight then turn right at the end. Follow this path then cross the bridge over the river. Across the other side walk straight up the hill then turn right into the Carter House area. On the right is the West Gym but you will need to turn right to go round the back of the gym where the entrance is.

Hope this helps!
Reply 10
I know where the east gym is. Do you reckon if I go there and just head west I will find it?

Make sure you take a compass :wink:.
Reply 11
I'm gonna have to go well early because I have a habit of getting lost in Durham, even though I'm a third year :redface: my exams are well spread out - one in the West Gym, one in Maiden Castle, and one in Palace Green argh.
Reply 12
I found it yesterday, it's not that difficult really. Phoenix27's directions are good. I'm always getting lost in Durham. Who would have thought such a small place could be so confusing? :confused: :redface: