The Student Room Group

Stress and exams


I'm in my second year of uni and I have exams coming up from the 17th onwards. I know this year matters alot and that's why, I've been studying since Easter break and have been at uni till late studying for the last two weeks.

The thing is, I can't seem to punch a dent in the amount of work that I have left. I don't feel prepared enough to take the exam and I'm seriously scared about failing. :frown:

I see lots of people around me, laughing and joking and I can't think how they can be so carefree when exams are so close by. It's so depressing.

Also, I can't solve many questions from past papers and I've been to almost all my lectures and done most of the work! I keep breaking down and crying hysterically every few days when I realise how everyone is so far ahead and how I'm going to fail my exams.

And btw, it's so annoying that I can't get to stop myself from thinking so. I've been giving exams and doing well in them for the last 4 years...Except last year when I kind of screwed up my first year exams (I didn't fail, though).

Can someone please help me out here? I don't know how to stop stressing and start working productively. I seem to put in the hours but it results in nothing. :mad: It's so annoying because it comes so easy for some people.
Reply 1
Oh jesus, i have just started revising and my exams start on the 14th! Seriously you know more than you think you do.

I can't do questions from past papers either, so what i'm doing is researching around the topic and then doing the question. Have you tried this?

Don't cry about it, you will make yourself worse! And working for hours on end becomes unproductive anyway, make sure you give yourself breaks so that you actually take information in.
Just believe in ur self my exam is 2moz and im dreading it but im hoping it will b fine
i no that some people just cant do exams but just believe in ur self and keep going if u fail ull do work in the summer or repeat the year its not a bad thing just keep going 4ward not bkwards
good luck
Just chill. That might sound crass and flippant but it's so true. For my AS levels I paniced and stressed and became ill, drastically worsened a medical condition i have, lost 2 stone in weight and didn't do nearly as well as I could have or as well as my peers. All in all bah humbug! Then for my A levels i was much more laid back and...well...really suprised myself.

Also you need a technique to revising and a solid work ethic. I don't know what you're studying but for my subjects (sciency) I just went through the course texts and wrote out everything I needed to know onto mindmaps and in my own words, stuck them ALL over my room and then did all the past papers i could get my hands on to refine my exam technique. Had a nice new set of wallpaper by the time I had finished :smile: (small room)

But the mst important thing is to be relaxed. You don't need a REASON to be relaxed, it's just a state of mind and it'll help you to accomplish the things you need to get done.