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Asked a guy out and he brought his friends

Uh, so a few days ago I called a guy I've been friends with for a while (but mostly just talk to on MSN) and asked him if he wanted to go for a drink. I'm pretty sure he likes me because whenever he sees me he acts really shy even though I've heard he's normally really sociable. Also we have a lot in common. When I went for a drink with him though, he brought his friends but spent most of the time talking to me. I'm not sure whether this means he isn't interested or if he just thought I was being friendly? I'd appreciate some advice on what to do now.
Probably chickened out of going alone and wanted to bring friends just in case.
Reply 2
I agree, probably brought mates with him incase he wanted to bail
Reply 3
Or probably he told his mates and they decided to check the place out or summat. Only way to know is to ask him.
Reply 4
were his friends hot?
Reply 5
He prob brought his friends so that if he was shy again it wouldn't have been akward but you should be glad that he didn't spend the night talking to them so chances are he likes you!
Reply 6
He prob brought his friends so that if he was shy again it wouldn't have been akward but you should be glad that he didn't spend the night talking to them so chances are he likes you!

I agree; it could simply be that he feels that much more secure and comfortable around his mates. I'd take heart from the fact that he decided to be with you the way he is with his mates; a fair few guys change their ways in that respect.
Reply 7
Perhaps he was doing it to show that he took your invitation to be platonic, so that you didn't think he was being forward or misinterpreting your possibly platonic invitation. He was trying to keep it on the safe side in case you thought he was being excessively presumptious by thinking it was a romantic invitation and going alone.

Just a thought. Some men's minds work like that.
I'm guessing he brought his friends along because he is shy around you and feels more comfortable if they are there, the fact he spoke to you the whole time shows he likes you though :smile:
If you say he acts kinda shy around you, then the mates are there as a comfort net basically, if conversation with you goes stale, he can continue the evening with his mates or get them involved with your conversation.

As you state, he spent most of the evening chatting to you, when his mates were with you, which is some kind of sign to me, that he's interested in you.

Maybe next time, go for the meal out at a nice restaurant. You can learn a lot about a person from that, according to my girlfriend ie what type of restaurant they take you too harvester, italian, french mc donalds etc whether he picks you up in his car, whether they pay for the whole thing, and how they end the evening.
Reply 10
He wants an MMF threesome.
Reply 11
He wants an MMF threesome.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 12
Maybe he thought you were going to be a psycho (kidding :smile:). Sometimes its just good having your friends backing you up in a new situation. He probably just wasn't fully comfortable meeting alone try not to worry about it.
Perhaps he was doing it to show that he took your invitation to be platonic, so that you didn't think he was being forward or misinterpreting your possibly platonic invitation. He was trying to keep it on the safe side in case you thought he was being excessively presumptious by thinking it was a romantic invitation and going alone.

Just a thought. Some men's minds work like that.

I agree, erring on the side of safety is what I thought.
Reply 14
Probably chickened out of going alone and wanted to bring friends just in case.

Spot on. That's almost certainly what happened.
Its possible his friends found out where he was going and decieded to follow, giving him no say in the matter. Happened to me once back along.
Reply 16
Hmm, OK thanks for the advice. :smile: I'll try asking him out again and say I was kind of hoping it'd just be him last time, and laugh about it or something.
Reply 17

friends + girl > girl

He probably just wanted to have fun and bringing friends helped with this.

The logic of chickening out of going alone is bizarre I think. A girl asks him to go for a drink with her. What's there to chicken out of? What kind of guy does that? Does he have a rare disease whereby he turns into an embarrassing pile of sweat, snorting and goo when he's alone with a girl?

Much as I'd like to believe a guy would think 'Hmm, bringing friends indicates that my intentions are purely platonic', I don't think most guys think like that. The above formula of "friends + girl > girl" is more in line with male psychology.
This whole idea of him chickening out is ridiculous. If the girl you liked asked YOU out for a drink, would you bring your friends? I'm a shy guy, and hell no would I bring them. Things aren't that obvious in reality. Maybe he thought you meant it as a friendly gathering and had no idea you were going to be alone. That seems much more logical.
Perhaps he was doing it to show that he took your invitation to be platonic, so that you didn't think he was being forward or misinterpreting your possibly platonic invitation. He was trying to keep it on the safe side in case you thought he was being excessively presumptious by thinking it was a romantic invitation and going alone.

Just a thought. Some men's minds work like that.

possibly but try having a talk with him , then you'll know , but he may well like you enough for you to want to ask him out!