One of my parents has just had a nasty 4 week viral eye infection; it started off as a normal bacterial conjunctivitis for which she was given eye drops(colircusi gentadexa). This cleared up in 3 days but then a few days later the 3 week viral infection came.
Now to the point: I have just started to get some of the symptoms (dry eye, feels like there is something in it) and we have an unopened bottle of the eye drops that my mum was taking for the bacterial infection. She thinks I should start using them to hopefully get rid of the infection before it gets bad. But I looked at the composition of the drops and found Dexamethasone which is a steroid that apparently stops white blood cells from reaching the infection site and can just masks the symptoms. So I am not sure what to do... If it is a bacterial infection the drops should help (from what I have read) but if I have got the virus they will just make it worse.
Could any of you clever medic folk offer any more info... should I use the drops?
Oh and I am going to the doctor tomorrow but I am a little wary, I live in the middle east and the only Ophthalmologist around here is, to be frank, an idiot. With my mum she kept choping and changing her mind, for example: She gave my mum one set of medicine then at the next check up told her not to take it anymore. When my mum asked why, seeing as the doctor had just prescribed it, the doctor, who had FORGOTTEN that she was the one that had prescribed it changed her mind and said that it was actually ok. Get the idea?