I'm at uni at the moment my best friend is male, I'm female, and when I first met him, there was a lot of flirting, but nothing happened. He got a girlfriend so I stopped flirting as much, but we became really close friends.
He and his girlfriend broke up a couple of months ago, and we've become a lot closer, and the flirting's started again. I'm really confused. I have strong feelings for him (as in I like him a lot and think he's great), and I always miss him when he's not around and want to spend a lot of time with him. He went out to a club last night and I couldn't be bothered going out, but waited up to chat to him when he got back - not exactly normal friend behaviour. Stuff happened, and we decided it was just no-strings-attached fun. It was kinda inevitable, all of my male friends are ex-boyfriends, or people with whom something sexual has happened at one point and now we're just friends.
I didn't really enjoy what happened last night (I'm..umm...into more kinky stuff and he's not). I don't want to go out with him, but I feel almost as if I have a crush on him, it's rather odd. I don't get it...my feelings for him are bordering on romantic, but yet I don't want it to go any further than friendship.
So, a question to anyone else who's felt like this (and those who haven't)...what the hell?!