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I got practical exams coming up and i have my exams in june. I'm so lazy that I can't even bother to revise. At this rate I know i won't get good marks. I normally study extra the day before my exam and i end up with average marks. But i don't want that to happen this year. I just want to get my ass in gear.

I tried to motivate my self by imagining my dream career and what would happen if i ****ed up this. I don't want to fail but it's not enough motivate me to work harder :frown:.

Dunno what to do.

A friend of mine who does psychology thinks that i only care about people knowing that I'm smart. Once the know that i don't do any work. I think she's wrong. The only time i worked hard this year was when i thought i was going to get kicked out of my Biology classed. I studied really hard and i managed to get 95%. I missed 5% because of some really stupid mistakes i made.

Btw it's really easy to say get your ass in gear. It's much harder in practice.
Reply 1
Crap i was trying make it anon. I messed up :frown:
Why be anon, I haven't started revising either and I need AAA.
Reply 3
Yeah i don't want to people to know. Why aren't the mods deleting this?.

Ah screw it. I might as well use it.
Are you just lazy or is it procrastinating? Like do you sit there thinking about what you should be doing then get distracted? I hate procratinating. It is ruining everything. I find you have to get hard with yourself. Lock yourself in a quiet room, music or no music and don't get off the chair until you have done what you set your mind to do. Don't study for 5 hours, just do it in like hour sessions and take breaks but not too many.
Yes its easy to think about motivating yourself but when it comes to practice its a different story. You just need to be more firm with yourself and realise , like what your doing, about the future, that if you **** these up, then what? But if you pass, you have ten times more options maybe.

In business there's a rule called the 80/20 rule. This is how you could relate it to this issue, i think! (ps this rule works so that the 80% input means you pass the exams and the 20% relates to not doing so well)

Put 80% of effort into your studying/exams and then in the future getting a job will be 20% effort = easier with tonnes more options and opportunities and you'll not have to work so hard

Put 20% of effort into your studying/exams and then in the future getting a job will be 80% effort = harder due to lack of options and you'll have to work ten times harder to get a decent position or work your way up a company.
Maybe try going to a library? I often get distracted if I'm at home but if I make myself go to the library I'm stuck there for a few hours with nothing to do but work so it gets done! I cycle there and the exercise helps me concentrate too.
Reply 7
I have similar motivational issues around exam time and I always find that if I envisage how I will like if I do badly, I feel a lot more motivated to work. Surely it would be gutting to open your results and find a grade that is a poor reflection of your true potential.

If this fails, liike other people have suggested the library is always a good option or if that's not possible remove all the potential distractions away from you when you're trying to work. This may mean turning off your phone, not being looged onto msn (even if your status is set to busy) or perhaps even unplugging the internet altogether.

Whatever it takes to force yourself to work :biggrin: