I'm jsut a bit worried about a few things at the mo, & I know people on here arne't docs, but wondered if anyone had any sugestions/advice
I feel really tired, not all the time, but at certain points during the day. I don't think it's because I don't have enough sleep because I normally go to bed about midnight & then get up at about 10.30am, so getting plenty of sleep. But then at about 4pm in afternoon, I get reallt tired, and have no energy to do anything (sometimes I have a nap) . Then the same thing happens at about 9pm, that I get really tired, but if I go to bed then I don't sleep.
Also, dunno if this is related or not, but I seem to be needing the loo all the time. Like whenever I have a drink I need to go to the loo, and this has been happening for the past few weeks.
No idea what the prob is, but do people think I should go to the docs. Also my dad has ME & could I have this? I thought this because of the tiredness, but I dunno! Is ME genetic?