The Student Room Group

Questions about health

I'm jsut a bit worried about a few things at the mo, & I know people on here arne't docs, but wondered if anyone had any sugestions/advice
I feel really tired, not all the time, but at certain points during the day. I don't think it's because I don't have enough sleep because I normally go to bed about midnight & then get up at about 10.30am, so getting plenty of sleep. But then at about 4pm in afternoon, I get reallt tired, and have no energy to do anything (sometimes I have a nap) . Then the same thing happens at about 9pm, that I get really tired, but if I go to bed then I don't sleep.
Also, dunno if this is related or not, but I seem to be needing the loo all the time. Like whenever I have a drink I need to go to the loo, and this has been happening for the past few weeks.
No idea what the prob is, but do people think I should go to the docs. Also my dad has ME & could I have this? I thought this because of the tiredness, but I dunno! Is ME genetic?
Reply 1
What's your diet like? Eating healthy? Drinking plently of water?
Reply 2
I'm going along the same as the poster above, it could well be your diet. Do you eat a lot of junk food? Do you drink enough? Poor diets can make you feel that way. I get the tiredness a lot, I get enough sleep but as soon as it hits half three to four o'clock i'm aboslutely shattered. I'm anemic though, I don't get enough iron. I know why I get that way, so I know how to go about treating it. Best thing to do is to go to the doctor and explain how you are feeling, they will be able to help you a lot more than what people on here can.
You could be diabetic, go to you pharmacy and ask to be tested. Its free. Also are you eating breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Reply 4
Eat 3 meals a day

No alcohol or fizzy drinks

Just drink water

Go out for a walk/run as soon as you get up - exposure to sunlight clicks youir bodyclock into gear if your sleepy - and then out again at lunch time.

If after this regime for a week or two you still feel odd see your doc.
Reply 5
You could be diabetic, go to you pharmacy and ask to be tested. Its free. Also are you eating breakfast, lunch and dinner?

That's what I was thinking :]

Definately get it checked out, it's so easy nowadays

That's what I was thinking :]

definitely get it checked out, it's so easy nowadays


I was thinking that too.

And apparently there's very little evidence for genetic susceptibility to ME :smile:
Hmm, I'm with the diabetes crowd. What you describe sounds very much like how I felt before I was diagnosed. Get it checked out quickly if I were you.