The Student Room Group
Reply 1
no real such thing.... In terms of highest requirements for GCSE, Birmingham is the hardest. All are competitive, and comparing your GCSE's and A level predictions, mine were same as you and i received offers. Grades are not always everything. Make sure you have a strong application and back it up with plenty of Work experience.
Reply 2
birmingham and cardiff easiest, latter being the most easy....if u get the interview, 9/10 people don't according to statistics
i'd say newcastle. all 13 dental applicants at my college were called for interview and 7 offered a place. every1 has put newcastle as their firm/ insurance
Reply 4
There's no such thing as the easiest dental school although in the case of Birmingham, if you have excellent GCSEs you ar emore than likely to be called for interview and Birmingham jus tlike with Medicine tend to give out offers to the majority of people that they interview. The same might be the case for Bristol.

You see it could be "easy" if you have meet the right criteria academically etc.
Reply 5
Bristol is by FAR the hardest.
Reply 6
Bristol is by FAR the hardest.

That is debatable. Bristol is however, unarguably the worst. At least in terms of league tables! :wink:
newcastle one of the easiest are you joking? when the dental admissions lady gave me a tour when i was having a second look, she was telling me how they had somthing like over 900 applications. They interviewed 210 and gave offers to 180, for about 90 places. So yes, if you get an interview and dont mess it up you should recieve an offer. In terms of numbers Dundee is probably one of the easiest because they have the least number of applications, but then again this mite change now they have completly re done the dental school.
Reply 8
Glasgow is relatively difficult to get an interview. You write your PS then if you get past that stage you have to write 3 essay type things on 'Why Dentistry', 'Extra-Curricular Activities' and 'Manual Dexterity'. Basically providing them with extra evidence, especially for the manual dexterity.
Reply 9
Bristol is by FAR the hardest.

i agree!'s offer is one of the highest...AAB (A's in chem and bio)...

and mc...don't get me started on the league tables...people who go by those are just buffoons...

i could say more on the bristol topic but its kinda unrelated to the topic of this thread!

as for the easiest dental school to get into...i don't think any of them are easier...but i do think that some of them focus less on the GCSE grades than others...
Reply 10
Yeah I definitely agree with what noob said about Bristol being one of the hardest. Its offer, like kvithani has said is one of the highest being AAB with A's in chem and bio unlike others which don't specify which subjects they want as A's. I guess this also is because Bristol doesn't use the UKCAT test so perhaps they make it harder to 'compensate' for that.

I wouldn't say any Dental school is easy to get into as dentistry is so competitive but I guess some uni's could be seen as 'easier' if they do not use the UKCAT. This is because they wouldn't determine who they will/ will not interview or judge between candidates through use of the UKCAT score.
Reply 11
I'd say places which don't use the UKVAT are harder. Take medicine for example. Last year Belfast, Birmingham and Bristol didn't use the UKCAT but thoes three medical schools are notorious for scrutinising GCSE grades very closely and are known to reject candidates for not having "enough A*s". These 3 medical schools saw it fit to not use the UKCAT as they feel they easily de-select applicants by setting a high GCSE threshold.

Saying that though, Belfast will be asking for UKCAT from 2008 entry onwards.
Reply 12
Yeah I definitely agree with what noob said about Bristol being one of the hardest. Its offer, like kvithani has said is one of the highest being AAB with A's in chem and bio unlike others which don't specify which subjects they want as A's. I guess this also is because Bristol doesn't use the UKCAT test so perhaps they make it harder to 'compensate' for that.

I wouldn't say any Dental school is easy to get into as dentistry is so competitive but I guess some uni's could be seen as 'easier' if they do not use the UKCAT. This is because they wouldn't determine who they will/ will not interview or judge between candidates through use of the UKCAT score.

Cardiff ask for AA in bio and chem too....
Reply 13
quite a few places ask for AA in bio and chem...
Reply 14
and therefore they are not the easiest to get into...right?
Reply 15
What I said before was that Bristol is just one of those that offers AAB specifying A's in Bio and Chem- wasn't implying it was alone in doing that. I definitely agree with you British Bulldog that uni's like Bristol who don't use the UKCAT often scrutinise GCSE's more, but I prefer that as I've always not liked logic type tests like UKCAT. Say if you don't perform well on that one test then your judged on that but I guess getting into Dentistry is so competitive that they have got to be selective like that. Apparently some uni's were using the UKCAT and had a 'benchmark' which I don't think helps. I'm sure they consider your overall application but its hard to tell which performance they put more weight on and judge by the most.

All I was saying is that some uni's who use UKCAT to select candidates offer AAB while maybe Bristol makes up for being 'easier' and not using UKCAT through more specific offers. Got to say that rainbow that uni's like cardiff who use UKCAT and offer with AA in bio and chem are tough! Glad I didn't apply there hehe :smile: Having said that though Sheffield I think are the same and I applied there. Should have made it clearer before that I personally prefer uni's which don't use UKCAT in their selection process but thats just me. I don't think its a great way to differentiate between applicants.

All in all there isn't going to be an 'easy' dental school to get into. Each have different selection procedures so I guess all you can do itsmee!! is do the best you can in terms of A-levels, UKCAT and of course get as much work experience as possible to give yourself the best chance possible.
Reply 16
kvithani, why did u chose bristol (firm) over kings? im just curious because ive done the complete opposite.
Reply 17
hey noob...we are at risk of being shouted at for diverging from the topic lol...

well i chose brizzle cos i liked the city much more...ive grown up in london, and kcl is only 30 mins by train from my me its not as exciting as moving to an entirely new and different city...bristol is small and more student freindly...simply because everything u could possibly need is within walking distance...the halls are bigger (room wise) and nicer...and things are generally cheaper...

but more than just the city...i liked how there was a greater mix of origins and backgrounds...ive always gone to a school where asians were in the minority...i suppose it felt kinda wierd at kcl and in the interview room everyone was asian!...

and brizzle is being refurbished, and im totally in love with it!...

i sounds like i totally hate kcl...but believe me...i did have a tough decision having to choose between them...i wrote countless pros/cons lists!

and before u ask...i dont believe in the league tables...and so i do not think i made a mistake choosing brizzle over kcl even though it holds a lower position! lol...sorry...bit snappy...but i just get annoyed by people who bury their heads in them...and fail to see how much they overlook...and how innacurate they are...

pfffttt rant over!

now u tell come u chose kcl?
Reply 18
oh and also...i put bristol as firm cos it had a higher if i put kcl as firm...i would have to decline there would be absolutely no chance of me going there...

at least this way it feels like i still have the options open...its not written in stone so to speak!...

if i put kcl as firm...then i would have to choose either cardiff or qm as insurance...and i wasnt too keen on either...