The Student Room Group
Reply 1
They're all the same son. Here you go though:

One google search that took me.. lazy tart.
Reply 2
Ah i've seen that one already. Just like looking at lived in rooms, makes them look more homely than the one we saw on the open day.. prison cell..
Reply 3
May i ask if you remember where the photos of talybont are?
Reply 4
Senghennydd Court is like a prison cell....... you get used to it after a few days!
Reply 5
May i ask if you remember where the photos of talybont are?

There's a thread underneath mine i think where someone asked for Talybont photos and there's loads of links on there if that helps :cool:
Reply 6
May i ask if you remember where the photos of talybont are?

Here's the link for the Talybont photos :redface:
Reply 7
i found these photos of senghennydd hall, haven't seen them posted here before i dont think...
