The Student Room Group

Headache :(

Usually I wear contact lenses, but I ran out so today I put on my glasses. And in the last few hours I have had the most awful headache! I havent taken any medicine, but I'll probably take pain killers.
Do you think this could be because I havent worn my glasses in ages? The number for the contacts and the glasses are the same...
Anyway thanks :smile:
Reply 1
it could be but at the same time it could be any number of other things. it would have to do a few times before you should think anything of it :smile:
Reply 2
Okay :smile:
Its just really irritating me, but my contact lenses should come soon!
Reply 3
Hey, sometimes when I wear glasses or contact lenses after a long period of not wearing them I get headaches too. I think its something to do with the eyes focusing again, cause glasses and contacts are different. Id just take some painkillers and rest your eyes if you can. Then get more contacts :smile: