The Student Room Group
Just going by the course titles, Greenwich sounds closer to what you want, but have a look at all the modules that are compulsory and optional, not just in the first year, but the second and thid as well. That should help you decide which appeals to you most.
Reply 2
Agreed, Geography will have little if no relevance to International Relations I shouldn't have thought.
Reply 3
Greenwich :smile:
I think Sunderland has the (slightly) better reputation. I've visited the uni on an open day before (live quite close by) and quite liked it. :yep:

But having said that, just go with the uni/course/location that most appeals to you personally.
Reply 5
Hi, i graduated from the University of Sunderland in July 2009 (studying business and marketing management) and had an excellent experience. Although i cannot provide an opinion on Greenwich University, the University of Sunderland was outstanding, would highly recommend. I am in agreement with Platinum Mech, apply to the University/course/location that is most suitable to you on a personal level.