The Student Room Group

What do I suggest??

Ok, I’ve been asked some advice by one of my friends, and in all honesty, I don’t know what to suggest to her. Its not a situation I’ve been asked about before and it’s the kind of situation where I feel there are issues of whats right and whats wrong, which is why I’m finding it difficult to offer advice.

One of my friends went out with a guy for only a few months, and he eventually dumped her due to reasons with being unable to commit to the relationship, and I believe there were other issues too, but I’m not sure. Now, its been approx 2 months after they split and my mate said she fancies one of her ex’s friends. Apparently she hasn’t said anything to him about liking him or whatever, but before she makes any moves, she says she doesn’t know whether she should say anything cause of all the problems its going to create among her ex. She also believes that this guy likes her too! Do you think this is a fair reason for her not to get with him, or do you think they should go for it (if it appears that he feels the same way)? Cause I don’t think its a good idea myself its going to cause a lot of fuss : S
Reply 1
tell her to go for it!

not as if her and the ex had a serious relationship
Yessum. Go for it.
Just out of interest? How old is your friend?
Reply 3
She is 19. And thankyou for your current suggestions!
Her ex obviously didn't want a relationship with her so why would he give a damn if she got with his friend? Tell her to go for it.
Reply 5
Yeah, not an issue for the girl. If there's any problem, it would be between the two mates, and that shouldn't stop her making a move - its for them to sort out.