The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I had an appointment with a psychiatrist a month ago. Basically I just got asked to fill out questionniares and then sat in a room and talked to her about everything which went on in my life past and present. I thought it'd be really scary because the letter was incredibly patronising and it said there would be people observing me through a video link but it really wasn't that bad.
Reply 2
I used to work for a mental health team and an 'Early Intervention In Psychosis' team is basically just a team of social workers and community psychiatric nurses. They work with people, usually between the ages of 15 and 35 who are showing early signs of psychosis or who are experiencing their first episode. Basically (if it is anything like the one where I worked, which I would think it is) you will be allocated either a nurse or a social worker who will ring you up to make an appointment to come and see you. They will then come and see you on a regular basis just to monitor and to sort out any worries you may have. Please don't worry at all about this because it will not be scary in the slightest, they will just give you some support and all the nurses and social workers that I know are lovely! Hope this helps a bit.