The Student Room Group

Female student died Lawn Hall (serious incident)

Hi guys, anyone know any more about this. My GF just called saying it was a murder.

Sorry if this morbid, but im concerned for friends there.

Mad world

Hull Latest News
All students are asked to show extra caution as a result of a serious incident in which a female student died at the Nicholson Hall at the Lawns halls of residence.

The University has been advised by the Police that there is no heightened security risk

Any students that have any information about this incident are urged to contact the Police on 01482 334800.

Sometimes the press coverage can be intrusive about such incidents and there has already been significant interest. Enquires are being dealt with by the University Press Office who are able to assist on 01482 466326.

All students should be aware that the University’s Counselling Service is on hand to offer support to students at this difficult time.

The University will keep you informed of any further developments.

HUU President
[[email protected]]
Sorry, just did a quick look on the bbc.

Thoughts with the family.

Its one of those things if you hear something happening somewhere where friends/family you always panic about the worse.

Reply 2
Its really not good, im sure if you have read any of the hull forum u will kno i am ther.. there are alto of police doing alot of searchin and investigations etc...
the press are there.. but i dnt think giving to much hassle, but im not sure... many people have gone home this weekend for bank holiday.. so its a bit empty and all very wierd and worrying, the girls block is joined on to ours, and im sure i have seen her around, but my friend who is also in my block was on teh same course as her....
its very very worrying, seriously if anyone from hull is reading this just ring home and let them know your safe, i know my parents were worried etc...

my thoughts to the girls family and friends

I came on just to say how awful this is.

I was intending on going to Hull and wanted Lawns as my first choice accomodation but pulled out at the last minute and put Chester as my firm.

My thoughts go out to anyone who knew her. It's a shocking incident.
Reply 4
to anyone reading this thinking about going to hull, or who has put it as the 1st choice etc...

i dont kno how much you have heard, but i kno it made national tv and papers!

firstly dont let it worry you, seriously, there is a police station on the grounds, and to drive into the lawns you have to pass it...
very is a very good police presence around the lawns aswell as security and wardens ect ( there always around, annoying us lol)

now obv i cant comment on whatever has happened, as no1 knows yet, im just trying to reassure anyone and there families who have applied to hull uni and the lawns

it is usually a very safe, fun place and the events that have happened are very tragic and not something that anyone expects.

God bless

Reply 6
I almost went to Hull last year but I didn't in the end. Don't worry people, it says in the BBC article that there was probably some kind of consent between Rebecca and her killer, she let him into her room. It was not like a burglar broke in and killed her. If it had been a suspicious looking person like a burglar then he probably would have been stopped by the hall security team. This is just a freak incident and I would still recommend Hull to people. It is very sad that she is dead though.
Reply 7
I lived in the same hall as Rebecca last year and regularly saw her around. She must have switched courses which would explain why it was her second year but only her first (if that makes any sense).

As tragic as this may be there is no need for widespread panic about the possibility of a killer on the loose. We are all confident that the police have got the right guy. As with most murders it seems that she knew him and allowed him access to the room.

The Lawns is a very safe place, the staff are excellent and there is a police station at the entrance. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time ever that an incident so serious has happened on campus.

Hull University have issued the following update -

It goes to Hull Crown Court next week for a directions hearing.
Reply 8
The lawns is a very safe place. It appears that Jason was her ex boyfriend and it was not a case of breaking and entering.

If this incident is putting anyone off applying to hull, dont let it. the lawns is a great place and a good laugh with the amount of students around. You will meet so many people in one place so dont let this affect your judgement of the place. come visit and see for yourself :smile:
Reply 9
I've just finished my first year of uni and thus my first (and only) year of living in the Lawns.

The Lawns is a very safe place to live and unfortunately, things like this do happen. Don't let it put you in any doubt when considering Hull university!