The Student Room Group

Replies/Parroting back to someone that says they love you?

Right, I'm just throwing round some possible scenarios. Basically someone that you have always liked to be around has mentioned that they feel that they love you, or that they are falling in love. How would you reply if you weren't sure whether you were in love with them, but you knew that you liked them very much instead. That you could possibly imagine a future with them.

Would anyone here actually ever say "I love you" back to someone cause they somehow feel pressured to, when in reality they didn't feel it. Would this be considered wrong?

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I was in that situation once. I just smiled, and kissed them. I couldn't bring myself to say it until I was ready myself.
Reply 2
Sanity Panda
Right, I'm just throwing round some possible scenarios. Basically someone that you have always liked to be around has mentioned that they feel that they love you, or that they are falling in love. How would you reply if you weren't sure whether you were in love with them, but you knew that you liked them very much instead. That you could possibly imagine a future with them.

Would anyone here actually ever say "I love you" back to someone cause they somehow feel pressured to, when in reality they didn't feel it. Would this be considered wrong?

Tell them that :rolleyes:
Reply 3
Tell them that :rolleyes:

:ditto: !! That's the best thing to say cause it's the truth about the way you feel which is far better than telling them you love them when you don't :smile: x
Reply 4
Don't like using the word. I only said it to my last GF because she would always get me to say it to her whilst we were doing the buisness and naturally I didn't want her to stop in the middle.
Reply 5
Don't like using the word. I only said it to my last GF because she would always get me to say it to her whilst we were doing the buisness and naturally I didn't want her to stop in the middle.

Not that telling someone you love them so they'll have sex with you is low or anything.
Reply 6
Not that telling someone you love them so they'll have sex with you is low or anything.

Yeah but in the middle of it... talk about catching a guy with his pants down.
Reply 7
Not that telling someone you love them so they'll have sex with you is low or anything.

What'd you expect me to say right in the middle of doing it?

She turned out to be a complete psycho.
Erf....I did that once (about 6 years ago)....I was dating a guy and he came out with "I've fallen in love with you" - totally out of the blue I wasn't expecting it at all.

I blurted back "I love you too" but it was a total lie I just had no idea what to say.

I really regretted it afterwards. The relationship didn't last may I add.
Reply 9
Erf....I did that once (about 6 years ago)....I was dating a guy and he came out with "I've fallen in love with you" - totally out of the blue I wasn't expecting it at all.

I blurted back "I love you too" but it was a total lie I just had no idea what to say.

I really regretted it afterwards. The relationship didn't last may I add.

Yea It's easy to say in the heat of the moment. At least someone agrees.
Well I don't agree that it's a good thing to do, but yes I quite agree that if you're caught offguard like that you don't exactly feel inclined to saying "that's nice honey but I don't love you back". You just kind of blurt out the first response you can think of so as not to hurt their feelings...which happens to be "I love you too".

Horrible situation to be in though *shudders*.
Reply 11
I think if you don't feel the same way yet but you DO like them a lot then the best best best best best thing is to kiss them.
Say "I know." In that split second you have gained all the power and leverage in the relationship.:biggrin:
Reply 13

'I want lots of kids'
Reply 14
Say "I know." In that split second you have gained all the power and leverage in the relationship.:biggrin:

and if they're a Star Wars fan you've just made their day :wink:
*dreams of Hans Solo*
and if they're a Star Wars fan you've just made their day :wink:
*dreams of Hans Solo*

Hahaha, I'm glad I wasn't the only girl that thought that, or else I'd be worried at my geekness. :tongue:
Reply 16
I was in that situation once. I just smiled, and kissed them. I couldn't bring myself to say it until I was ready myself.

Yoda would like to bring attention to this post - all must read it.
Sanity Panda
you weren't sure whether you were in love with them, but you knew that you liked them very much instead. That you could possibly imagine a future with them.

do people think this is a good thing to say when you've been seeing someone for a while, and you're not totally sure where its going but that's what you want?

chance of them freaking out? (particularly if they said at the start they didn't want anything serious, but maybe things have changed now?)

not that i'm in that situation or anything :rolleyes:
Reply 18
Just do an Alan Partridge and shout "Thanks"!
i told my bf i loved himlast night. His response wasn't "i love you too", it was "why?"... :s which confused me. After being together over 2 1/2 years i thought he knew why..

anyway,.... best thing is not to say it unless you mean it.