The Student Room Group
Heya first things first I just HAVE to say this. Where as you love2learn I think more people should learn2love ^^ nah seriously not enough people are willing to put their feelings on the line which is completely understandable to be honest. But think about it this way. In a class you put your hand up to say something risking to look like a fool infront of a class so what's the problem with looking like a fool infront of one person only?
Secondly, talk to him and if he's decent enough to not like walk away and just be all blargahargh about it then is he really worth your feelings?
So aye talk to him, he might like you and if you don't ask you'll never find out and if he doesn't I'm sure he'll be nice enough to talk to you about it etc and comfort you ^^ if he doesn't do either of those smack in the gonads ^^
Hope I've helped in this strange post ^^
Oh dear - I'm sorry to say there's no way of asking without risking rejection, as any way that's not explicit will leave you wondering if he understood you properly...believe me, I've spend days wondering the same thing!

Just bite the bullet and ask, is the best advice. Though I'd be incapable of following it myself. :smile:
Phantom Phoenix
Oh dear - I'm sorry to say there's no way of asking without risking rejection, as any way that's not explicit will leave you wondering if he understood you properly...believe me, I've spend days wondering the same thing!

Just bite the bullet and ask, is the best advice. Though I'd be incapable of following it myself. :smile:

The best piece of advice ever!!!!!! :p:

Many people want to find a way to do it, but it can't be done (unless you're into that leaving a note and stalking thing), just do what you must :smile:
From(past embarrasing crappy)experiences i could never ask a guy if he liked me because of the rejection i've had/could potentially have.. it hurts too much... if you really think he does like you though i guess you could just go for it and ask or make hints that you like him and see how he reacts.. good luck :smile:
Reply 5
Thanks for your replies. I guess I know deep down that it will of course be difficult. Thing is, we've known each other for like 6 months, and I'm pretty sure he likes me. It's just little things. But at the same time I've kinda convinced myself that he couldn't possibly like me. Oh and to make matters worse, we have a tonne of mutual friends and naturally spend quite a bit of time together and that's something I'm scared to risk, despite how I think we may both feel. I'm attempting to get one of said mutual friends to see if they can find out anything (yes, the coward's way :redface:)
Thanks for your replies. I guess I know deep down that it will of course be difficult. Thing is, we've known each other for like 6 months, and I'm pretty sure he likes me. It's just little things. But at the same time I've kinda convinced myself that he couldn't possibly like me. Oh and to make matters worse, we have a tonne of mutual friends and naturally spend quite a bit of time together and that's something I'm scared to risk, despite how I think we may both feel. I'm attempting to get one of said mutual friends to see if they can find out anything (yes, the coward's way :redface:)

It's not the cowards way, it's the way i would do it :p: hehe, plus tiz the safe way :smile:
It's not the cowards way, it's the way i would do it :p: hehe, plus tiz the safe way :smile:

:ditto: I can dole out advice, but I've never been good at taking it! :p:
You could involve an intermediate (i.e. a good friend who you trust)?
either both get drunk or get a mate to ask :biggrin:
Maybe txt him and ask him, rather than asking him to his face might be a little less awkward, but it will still be awkward when you next see him, (just an idea)
Yeah, but if you get drunk and he says he likes you then you have the whole agonising did-he-mean-it-or-was-he-pissed dilemma. Then you have to struggle with whether you talk to him about it and risk him saying a) "Er, what are you on about?" or b) "Sorry, I didn't mean it, I always say stupid things when I'm smashed!". You're not really much further on.

The intermediary idea, I can get on board with. :smile: