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Mole on back

I have a mole on my back. Its always been there and my mum knows about it. Yesterday, she was reading an article about melanoma. My mole ticks all the boxes for the warning signs of melanoma. It has blurred edges, doesn't match on both sides, is different colours and is larger than 5mm. I am worried. The GP isn't open until Monday. How likely is it that this is melanoma?
Reply 1
How likely is it that this is melanoma?

Nobody is going to be able to give you an answer to that, except your GP. And he or she'll probably need to run tests beforehand :smile: . Don't worry overly about it, as you said its been there for a long time and waiting one day to see the GP won't make a terrible difference (but do go in tomorrow).
Reply 2
My bf recently got worried about a mole :smile: He went to his GP and he said it probably wasn't anything to be worried about but he'd refer him to a dermatologist. Within 2 weeks he had an appointment for a consultation, the dermatologist said it was probably fine but he'd remove the mole and biopsy it anyway. The appointment for this was in another 2 weeks time.

Bf was given a local anaesthetic and the mole was removed and now we are waiting for the results of the biopsy :smile: But all through this the docs have said it's probably fine but they've still done the tests just for peace of mind.

My bf was worried that is was taking a month before he got it removed, but I said, if you've had the mole since you were young then another month with it probably won't kill you :smile:

So go see your GP for a chat.
Is the mole rough to feel?
I have an ENORMOUS sticky-out mole on my back too. My family are always trying to make me get it checked out by the doctor but I can just never be bothered.



If you're worried about yours go to the GP. I probably ought to myself but I put things off too much - stupid really though.
I have an ENORMOUS sticky-out mole on my back too. My family are always trying to make me get it checked out by the doctor but I can just never be bothered.



If you're worried about yours go to the GP. I probably ought to myself but I put things off too much - stupid really though.

whoa, I'd get that checked buddy.
And OP I'm sure you could hang out until next week to go to the doctors.
whoa, I'd get that checked buddy.

Meh I've had it for years and years. I always put a plaster over it if I go out into the sun with it uncovered.
I think it's just a big ole ugly mole but everybody who sees it freaks out and immediately you can see the word CANCER start flashing infront of their eyes lol.
Reply 7
Is the mole rough to feel?

No, its smooth. Is this an indication of something?
Reply 8
I have an ENORMOUS sticky-out mole on my back too. My family are always trying to make me get it checked out by the doctor but I can just never be bothered.



If you're worried about yours go to the GP. I probably ought to myself but I put things off too much - stupid really though.

How long have u had it? I have a small one but its pale so it doesn't show up on the pic but its disgusting. I don't think your is that bad if you look around loads of girls and guys have them but don't care, but covering it up is just weird.
How long have u had it? I have a small one but its pale so it doesn't show up on the pic but its disgusting. I don't think your is that bad if you look around loads of girls and guys have them but don't care, but covering it up is just weird.

I don't know how long I've had it....I can't remember a time where I didn't have it, yet on photos when I'm little (like 4 or 5) it's not there.

I don't cover it up for vanity reasons lol....I cover it up if it's sunny so I don't get skin cancer. If it's not sunny, yeh I think it's an ugly thing, but I don't bother about it. If it gets seen it gets seen.
Reply 10
XGR, if you have time, I'd see the doc about it. Seriously, it'll only take 5 mins to see your GP, then anothr 5 mins to see a dermatologist and 15 mins for the removal (if that is what they recommend) and it's worth it for the peace of mind.
XGR, if you have time, I'd see the doc about it. Seriously, it'll only take 5 mins to see your GP, then anothr 5 mins to see a dermatologist and 15 mins for the removal (if that is what they recommend) and it's worth it for the peace of mind.

I know I know I really must. I've been saying that for years though. Seriously I just need a kick up the arse really lol.

OP are you going to go to the docs?
Reply 12
XGR, if you have time, I'd see the doc about it. Seriously, it'll only take 5 mins to see your GP, then anothr 5 mins to see a dermatologist and 15 mins for the removal (if that is what they recommend) and it's worth it for the peace of mind.
Hmm. I went to a doc at my surgery about a mole that was bleeding and was told i was wasting their time and it was almost certainly fine, come back in 2 weeks etc. I think i'd just accidentally scratched it.

Anywho i'm meant to be promoting the medical profession, or something.

Does your mole look "nasty" or "nice"?? (yes this is what i've been taught at medical school....)
Reply 13
I've got one on my back too, which is getting bigger. I've been to the doctors about 3 or 4 times over the years but because it's growing regularly, has a regular shape and colour etc, it's nothing to worry about. I do. Basically if they send you away, go back in a year or so if it gets bigger.
Reply 14
GP will probably refer you straight to a Dermatologist as Talya said - unless the GP has a specialist interest in Derm!

Being raised or not isn't a major differentiating factor. Malignant melanoma assessment (off the top of my head):
A - asymmetry?
B - irregular border?
C - colour - unusual/changed?
D - diameter over 5mm

Not a huge number of 'tests' they can do - but Dermatologists have seen lots of these sorts of things so may just reassure based on appearance, or may decide on appearance or risk factors to excise (remove) it & then can look at the type of cells to make an assessment about whether any other treatment might be useful.

Mine is asymmetrical. Both sides don't match.
Mine does have an irregular, jagged border
Mine does have an unusual colour. It is black on brown.
Mine is more than 5mm in diameter.

I have to wait again. The doctors surgery isnt open, because its a bank holiday. I am worried
Reply 15
Go and see your GP - it's really not difficult to check these things out.
Reply 16
I had a mole on my back for years and years and years then one day i thought i wanted it off, it just didnt look very nice! lol! Went to GP's he measured it etc, and said if i wanted it removed he'd do it in the surgery next day. So i booked in he gave me injections round the mole and took it off. Stiched up the skin and that was that!

The mole gets sent away for checks but i haven't heard anything so take it it was all fine! Just got a bit of a scar now, but no ugly brown mole!
Mine is asymmetrical. Both sides don't match.
Mine does have an irregular, jagged border
Mine does have an unusual colour. It is black on brown.
Mine is more than 5mm in diameter.

I have to wait again. The doctors surgery isnt open, because its a bank holiday. I am worried

GPs generally suck with moles - but there is the 2 week referral rule for possibly malignant skin lesions like this, so don't sweat it. I can't say either way whether its a dodgy mole or not - that thing saffie said about nasty and nice is reallllly wrong (that lecturer needs shooting). often the most hideous moles are entirely benign, whereas ones that have barely changed may be melanomas.
but when in a case like yours it matches up to 2+ of the criteria, then its worth going to the dermatologist. they have special magnifying glasses to look at it in detail for certain characteristics, as well as probably excising it.

be forewarned, the back does often not scar nicely, especially if you are darker skinned. but its better that then having a worrying mole ey?