The Student Room Group

Brace has cut mouth badly

Hey, my brace has randomly caught the inside of my mouth and actually cut into it :frown: Its cut like a little flap? (gross im sorry) but it keeps catching an i cant tell you how painful it is. I can barely talk or eat.

Its done it before and i got wax from my dentist but my mum phoned up the other day and they said they no longer do wax. So my problem is what can i do? Ive tried sticking a bit of chewing gum to ease the rubbing which worked for a little while but it was just messy :s-smilie:

I just cant see it going away on its own?
eeee cringee
Reply 2
which bit is cutting? i always had a problem with the end bit of wire sticking out the end and cutting my mouth, and i just kept going back to the orthodonist to demand they did something about it. I'd suggest booking an appointment and seeing what they could do, because it shouldn't be cutting your mouth.
Reply 3
I cant really tell which part, it just seems to be the normal little squares?
Reply 4
The wax will help. Your orthodontist should definitely have some, even if your dentist doesn't. They won't be open until Tuesday though...

Until then I'm not sure there's anything you can do :frown: I feel for you because I know how painful it is having had braces in the past!
You can get something called adcortyl in orabase which is used for mouth ulcers, it has something in it to help them heal, could that help maybe?
Reply 6
Oh yes bank holiday :frown: Ah i might try the chewing gum again
Reply 7
If you can find it in a chemist, use Anbesol liquid. It's an antiseptic which numbs the pain for quite a while.

Or, actually maybe you could use TCP. I'm not 100% sure if you can use that in your mouth but I think you can.
go to the chemist? consult them and they might be able to recommend something of use?
Reply 9
Go to another orthodontist/dentist in the area and see if they sell wax. Your mouth shouldn't get infected as saliva is naturally antiseptic. However, if food gets caught in it and is not removed then that would cause infection. So get some mouth antiseptic like others have said.
Use bonjela on the cut bit. It really helped me when I had braces.
i put blue tak on it when the squares start cutting into me, or you can use the wax off of a babybel as its the same consistency as the ortho wax
Reply 12
Yes, bonjela or gengigel would help you. I can't believe that your dental surgery just said 'oh we don't do wax anymore' and then left you to suffer. There will be something that can be done, even if it's just cutting the wire so it doesn't stick out so much. Do they know how bad your problem is? Poor you...still, unfortunately you can't really do anything until Tuesday. In terms of food, try sticking with non-acidic things (they really sting cuts don't they?) and maybe try eating cold things like ice cream so your mouth will be a bit numb. Antiseptic mouthwash will help keep any infections at bay. Hang in there! I really know how you feel and I'm sorry for you :frown:
Reply 13
Thanks for all your replies! Its not swollen as much anymore an i can actually eat properly! So hopefully it seems likes its healing. I cant believe i didnt think of babybel wax though, I had some the other day!