My boyfriend asked me if I would like to go to his cousin's wedding with him. I said I'd think about it, and came to the conclusion that I didn't want to go. So I said to him that I wouldn't be going for various reason - namely I'll have only just got back from my year abroad and don't have time to buy an outfit, and I'd have to completely change my plans and go back to the UK earlier if I go, and I've never even met this cousin.
He seems to be really pissed about it. Is it really a big deal? I mean to be honest I don't really want to go for various other reasons too, like the Polish are known for their fun but drunken wedding parties (I don't drink), I don't speak Polish and only a few family members speak a little English, and we'd recently been having some problems and he spoke to his aunt about it. I mean it's like an unwritten rule not to talk about problems with the gf/bf to family, right?...So yeah I'm also a little embarrassed.
Would you be pissed off with your gf/bf if you were in this situation?