The Student Room Group

Illness and uni and GAH


So I'm in a bit of a pickle. I sort of ended up leaving my essays till the last minute - 3 due in for the 14th. Now, last night I got sent home from work because I was in so much pain - my back started aching really intolerably, and was achy all over, and my throat hurt so badly.

Anyway, I'm in bed today, still feeling crap. This has thrown me off my essays though, cos I aimed to have one of them done by tonight.

I'm working Wed, Fri Sat next week, so I don't have that much time left and now I'm completely panicking as I don't see how it's actually possible to get it done? It would have been if I wasn't ill, but I don't know how long I'm going to feel like this for, and it doesn't seem like serious enough to get a doctors note?

Seriously panicking :frown:
Reply 1
if you do get better you could still tell your work that you are still in so much pain and they wont be the wiser!:wink: and you could try and get you essay done over the Wed,Fri,Sat,Sun. what you think??:biggrin:
Reply 2
Could do, but I love my job :frown: and need the money.
Reply 3
Perhaps you could ask to go home a couple of hours earlier/later on each of your next few shifts and you could spend all day on sun at them??? i hate essays:frown: they are a pain!lol
Reply 4
Perhaps you could ask to go home a couple of hours earlier/later on each of your next few shifts and you could spend all day on sun at them??? i hate essays:frown: they are a pain!lol

I need them doing before Sunday, as I have unescapable plans.

Asking to go home early is not an option.

Work isnt really the issue here.

Have emailed my tutor, see what he says.
Reply 5
Could you get a lend of a friends laptop and ou can do your essays while you are in the comfort of your bed???:wink:
Reply 6
Why a friends laptop?
I'm on my laptop in bed now.

Laptop isn't the issue. It's the fact I need to go library and read a load of books but I can't move. Closing this now cos it's just pissing me off.