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Reply 1
I cant stand listening to it casually, but the odd bit of DnB at a club is easy enough to dance to.
Reply 2
i think its too repetitive...
Reply 3
What drum 'n' bass have you listened to?
Reply 4
ALLLLLL of it :p:
i'm obsessed with it
Reply 6
I like it.
Reply 7
Well depends on what DnB your talking about. I hate the chav sort :mad: The other sort is OK sometimes IMO.

Its just repetitive b/s noise. Its chav fuel, don't you hate it when they zip around in their car's playing "bangin choonz" aka DnB. All I can usually hear is some **** shouting his balls of with a load of messy drums (which is almost always the same for all songs) in the background, the same thing loops on and on. I hate it so much!

There is a better sort of DnB as mentioned before, like Dj Marky - LK etc. So like I said, depends on what DnB your talking about.
it may sound very repetitive to the untrained ear. but the process of creating a dnb track is quite meticulous. much like in most forms of dance music, the creation of a dnb track it is a much more conscious effort than say rock, hip hop reggae, etc due to the many technical aspects and the seamlessness of the music. so basically, producers aren't going to spend a good hefty chunk of their time making tracks that are repetitive. it's hard to notice these subtleties without an adequate sound system with good subs. in fact, the more you listen to dnb, the more these subtleties cease to be as such and the difference between them is amplified each time.

anyway, dnb is divided into loads of different sub-genres which should at least give some evidence of the variety and polarities within dnb:

All I can usually hear is some **** shouting his balls of with a load of messy drums (which is almost always the same for all songs)

this is probably ragga-influenced dnb. or possibly even ragga. you don't get much vocals in dnb in anyway (unless it's in a club and there's an mc) and if you do, it's very unlikely that it's shouting which is why i think that what you're hearing blaring from stolen cars is probably ragga. not a huge fan of this sub genre myself but there are a few good tracks. these 'messy drums' you're talking about is probably that hammering you get in ragga, not in dnb. dnb drumming is never messy, unless deliberate.

There is a better sort of DnB as mentioned before, like Dj Marky - LK etc. So like I said, depends on what DnB your talking about.

this is called liquid dnb. evolved from techstep (another dnb subgenre) and influenced by house, most particularly ambient house.

so... if anyone is dnb-curious, open to learning about it and needs the right tunes to start them off with, take heed my children. i have converted many a non-believer.
so... if anyone is dnb-curious, open to learning about it and needs the right tunes to start them off with, take heed my children. i have converted many a non-believer.

ok..lets see if you can convert me to being a fan... :cool: which tracks/artists would you recommend i listen 2? can't say ive ever properly sat down and listened to any dnb.. im usually too alcohol induced when its on when im out to give it my proper attention! so wanna see what all the fuss is about..
so... if anyone is dnb-curious, open to learning about it and needs the right tunes to start them off with, take heed my children. i have converted many a non-believer.

ok..lets see if you can convert me to being a fan... :cool: which tracks/artists would you recommend i listen 2? can't say ive ever properly sat down and listened to any dnb.. im usually too alcohol induced when its on when im out to give it my proper attention! so wanna see what all the fuss is about..

wellll i can't offer the best of my services if i have nowt to work with.

start of by telling me what kind of music you like. do you like hip hop? rnb? house? trance? etc etc.. what kind of artists do you like? naming electro-dance genres/artists would be the most helpful.

wellll i can't offer the best of my services if i have nowt to work with.

start of by telling me what kind of music you like. do you like hip hop? rnb? house? trance? etc etc.. what kind of artists do you like? naming electro-dance genres/artists would be the most helpful.

kkk if im honest i dont listen to much hip hop stuff, mainly soft rock.. but love all NERDs music/anything produced by Pharrel..also like Prodigy.. probs would like an electroish something with a guitar beat playing through?
I thought I hated all DnB, but today I watched some Pendulum on youtube where they used actual muscians and it blew me away. DnB with real musicians is pretty skillful stuff, especially for drummers.


Then you get the DnB which always seems to be played at parties which to me is just senseless noise. Load of repetetive bullcrap where all the songs sound the same, made by idiots with no real skill so they just churn out the same boring crap, then when it gets too boring they employ a tactic called "the remix", which is basically just 2 songs played at the same time. Yippee.

EDIT: also there always seems to be some jackass yelling **** over the music in a computerized voice. Is this the DnB equivalent to a "vocalist" or what?
Reply 13
i've heard a lot; ragga, jungle, techstep, hardstep, neurofunk, clownstep, wobble, liquid, liquid funk, drumfunk.

it's all so repetative
Reply 14
Everyone likes Pendulum - Slam. Even people that don't like drum 'n' bass. Well, especially people who don't like drum 'n' bass.
kkk if im honest i dont listen to much hip hop stuff, mainly soft rock.. but love all NERDs music/anything produced by Pharrel..also like Prodigy.. probs would like an electroish something with a guitar beat playing through?

ahh ok now that is a good start. the prodigy are "breakbeat hardcore" and breakbeat and dnb have very strong links via the amen break-based drumming pattern so i think you'll find dnb that suits you.

i'm going to reccomend you some neurofunk. it's dark like the prodigy and miiiiight give you that 'funky' n.e.r.d. vibe. and i'm also going to reccomend you more of the newer stuff as it's more accessible.

try out noisia. all the kids love them these days.
calyx and teebee are particularly amazing. the album 'no turning back' by calyx is great. the shape of things to come by calyx and teebee is pretty sweet too.
you may like state of mind. check out "dune" by them.
"gas chamber" and "more like you" by kryptic minds and leon switch might fit your requirements.
and then of course there's ed rush and optical. their lp "the creeps" exemplifies early neurofunk, pretty much before it had that name. their new stuff is a bit crap though but they're still monsters on the decks.
Reply 16
i was listening to some by someone known as limewax, what a silly name and the music was horrific, really did not agree with me. the bass was so nasty i nearly threw up ! how do people listen to this bizarre stuff
Reply 17
Yeh Dun Like Dnb Yeh? Think It Repetative Yeh? It Is The **** Bruv Get Me Ya Cant Test Me Been On Bare Meth Dat Why You Cant Test The Best G

You Gotta Try Catch Me Blad Get Me Im To Fast And Im So High Im So High

Coz I Got High Da Da Da Da Da

Penunoisaremix Blad Get Me Coz I Iz So Vip

Tune 2 Mash Up The Place Me Bring You The Bad Boy Bass

Switch And Bring Da Reeeeeeeeeewind Selecta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Who Wants The Mic Turned Up? Sound Enginer Please Turn Up The Microphone Get Me

Me Spit Hot Fiya Just Like Ya Good Lier

Checkt Out Da Pace Boom Styles Brockin Out

Reply 18
Yeh Dun Like Dnb Yeh? Think It Repetative Yeh? It Is The **** Bruv Get Me Ya Cant Test Me Been On Bare Meth Dat Why You Cant Test The Best G

You Gotta Try Catch Me Blad Get Me Im To Fast And Im So High Im So High

Coz I Got High Da Da Da Da Da

Penunoisaremix Blad Get Me Coz I Iz So Vip

Tune 2 Mash Up The Place Me Bring You The Bad Boy Bass

Switch And Bring Da Reeeeeeeeeewind Selecta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Who Wants The Mic Turned Up? Sound Enginer Please Turn Up The Microphone Get Me

Me Spit Hot Fiya Just Like Ya Good Lier

Checkt Out Da Pace Boom Styles Brockin Out


pardon blud ?
Reply 19
live o's post reminded me, I really like skibadee. I think he brings something quite new and unique to music in general, shame he only emcees over dnb. i wish he could do some garage or hiphop :frown: