The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I know you can apply online for HMV. I tried last Christmas and got an email the next day saying I got rejected. I didn't have any retail experience in the previous 12 months which was a requirement of the form. I think you may have to be 18 to work there aswell.
Reply 2
Hiya, my mate works there so this is all from what she has told me. The first thing is that she is 17 so I don't think you need to be 18, although the shop she works in may just have bent the rules there lol. Secondly, what she has told of the application process is that she saw an advertisement in the shop window and sent in her CV. She was called in for an interview and was given a quiz to fill in asking about current number 1 single number one playstation game and so on. Then she was interviewed by the managers asking her about music taste along with the usual questions. Then she was asked to talk to them about a film or band she liked. She wasn't successful at first but when she saw another advertisement a few weeks later she rang the shop and they gave her the job straight away. Apparently they were going to phone her anyway.
Wow that's a long read! Good luck with it all.
hey im balky bears friend ha ha ha i do work in HMV n trust me its GREAT!!!! whey i like it anyway ha ha ha

i was 16 wen i started last summer n i think i was the youngest employee in the company ha ha ha. wen selling 18 rated items i have to get the authorised by anutha member of staff, aparently this was my managers only worry but they sorted it tee hee

balky was very true bout my application process the interview was odd as i ended up tlking bout how wrong it was that the new james bond was blonde tee hee the quiz was quite scary but its all about testing ur product knowledge. i have been there about 9 months now n mine has grown soooooo much i cant say, they just want a basic grounding to see that u rnt completely stupid tee hee.

pay is VERY good one of the best on the high street, 30% product discount which i use WHEY to much ha ha ha customer service n sales bonuses too.

its a hard job but if u work with great people like i do then u will love it

good luck!!!!
Reply 4
Ha ha see I do listen lulu!! and give brilliant advice.
I know you can apply online for HMV. I tried last Christmas and got an email the next day saying I got rejected. I didn't have any retail experience in the previous 12 months which was a requirement of the form. I think you may have to be 18 to work there aswell.

I think that's a stupid requirement, fair enough having experience is always going to be beneficial for the company because they know you'd be good for the job, but if every single store had such a requirment then people like me - 17 - would never get a job. :rolleyes:

I was looking to work in HMV, but at the moment there are no vacancies at the store in my city centre. Might just end up working in ASDA through the summer and then hopefully of a weekend.
Reply 6
I think that's a stupid requirement, fair enough having experience is always going to be beneficial for the company because they know you'd be good for the job, but if every single store had such a requirment then people like me - 17 - would never get a job. :rolleyes:

I was looking to work in HMV, but at the moment there are no vacancies at the store in my city centre. Might just end up working in ASDA through the summer and then hopefully of a weekend.

I know it can be a stupid requirement. Its even harder for me to get a job. Im 19 and ive also tried Asda as well and didn't get in even though when calling them back for interview feedback I was told I couldn't have done anything better at the interview but they just went with someone else. So unfair I think. I may just have to volunteer to get experience although Ill probably be rejected to do that.
Reply 7
I've worked at HMV since 2004 so my interview was quite a long time ago.

From what I remember they asked me about customer service, what was number one just normal interview questions. They really make sure you're passionate about film, music and games so make sure you know your stuff.

From the beginning of last year the law changed to say that an employer can not discrimate against age. So that's why under 18's were suddenly allowed to work at HMV. Although before I started, so it would have been 2003, there was a 17 year old working there.

I've enjoyed my time at HMV, it is a high pressure job. Even if you're only part time, but it's a challenge and I'll miss it when I leave in 5 weeks.
it is a high pressure job. Even if you're only part time,

i cudnt agree more part timers @ HMV have a lot of responsibilty for example in my shop we are soley responsible for putting the new release on a sunday night this is a major task as the shop has to look perfect for monday morning. We also get other tasks to do like chainging the shop around ha ha ha (my job last sunday tee hee!!)

it is a gud job but you take on a lot!!