The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I get annoyed when people do this to me, whether they're my girlfriend or not. Speak to her and see what she says.
Reply 2
I did speak to her, and she seems to think im being really uptight and so on by getting upset or annoyed by this. I know its not her fault her friends make plans a few hours in advance but its unfair on me to just gazzumped like that (I think). I even said id be happy to compromise for us not to plan in advance but she didnt like this idea much...
Reply 3
i can really understand this problem. My bf cancels on me which has been planned for days to go out drinking with his work mates. I tend to just either ignore the fact he is out by making plans for the same night with my mates. Even tho your in a relationship you shouldnt put your own life and your own friends on hold all the time as its clear here that she doesnt with her friends.Also people do say that friends come first as there are more likely to be around longer but i dont really understand that. I think you should air your feelings to her and suggest a way of working things out for both your sets of mates and a night for the two of you. i hope things work out.