The Student Room Group


Not the brown type before you ask.

Maybe it's just me, but has anyone else noticed how often some TSR members cry for others to dump their partners over what seems to me like very minor issues. A girlfriend ignores her boyfriend, a boyfriend has a stray kiss, a boyfriend wants sex, a girlfriend showing signs of non-conformity and so on all seem reasons for people to suggest breaking up with their partners.

I'm not going to categorically go through threads and compile a list, but has anyone else noticed that when on an anonymous internet forum people suggest dumping, when in reality splitting up for such minor misdemeanours would be ridiculous (and ironically could result in a TSR thread about an unfair split-up where similar users say that the OP's better off without their partner).

Anyone else feel the same way?


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Reply 1
to be fair here i have noticed this as well but its just advice people dont nessesarly do it because a few people have said. and perhaps its a reality check for some aswel
Reply 2
I've always felt that if you were going out in the first place, unless it was a major thing then dumping should be the final port of callnot the first.
Reply 3
You shouldnt be allowed free will answers in this forum. You should select from a prepopulated list that goes a little something like:

"OMG GO TO A&E!!!"
"See your doctor"
"Dump him"
"Dump her"
"You shouldnt look through your partners private information"
Perhaps you should add 'Get a grip' and 'Get a good vibrator' to that list.
Reply 5
I dumped my boyfriend at the coercion of my friends and people on TSR, and I can honestly say it was one of the best things I ever did. But yeah, people on here are very quick to say 'Dump him/her' because they don't know both sides of the story, only the (understandably biased) threadstarter's version.
Reply 6
Perhaps you should add 'Get a grip' and 'Get a good vibrator' to that list.
Go ahead, poke fun at us unfortunate peeps who don't get explosive orgasms! :p:
Reply 7
I dumped my boyfriend at the coercion of my friends and people on TSR, and I can honestly say it was one of the best things I ever did. But yeah, people on here are very quick to say 'Dump him/her' because they don't know both sides of the story, only the (understandably biased) threadstarter's version.

...Although quite often they imagine what the other side of the story might be and then take issue with the OP. That's always entertaining.
Yes, it's true.

I can't believe how high the threshold of the moral brigade is here.

Good job most people who post are only out for a whine, really. I don't think many would follow the advice through.
"a boyfriend has a stray kiss" from the OP!

I am disgusted with this comment saying it is ok for people to do this! If either partner had a stray kiss etc i would still see it as cheating, no matter how much of a kiss it was really! If my girlfriend just had a "stray kiss" i would kick her right out the door without a second thought!
Reply 10
"a boyfriend has a stray kiss" from the OP!

I am disgusted with this comment saying it is ok for people to do this! If either partner had a stray kiss etc i would still see it as cheating, no matter how much of a kiss it was really! If my girlfriend just had a "stray kiss" i would kick her right out the door without a second thought!

Is this sarcasm? I can't tell.
No its not sarcasm, i genuiningly think that even just a stray kiss is cheating in my eyes! If you truely love your partner then there would be no need to even land a stray kiss, because to me i think you cannot respect the one you love if you can go behind their back and plant a kiss on someone else
Go ahead, poke fun at us unfortunate peeps who don't get explosive orgasms! :p:

Sorry! :biggrin:
Reply 13
Perhaps you should add 'Get a grip' and 'Get a good vibrator' to that list.

Can i nominate 'Grow a pair' to the list?
Reply 14
Not the brown type before you ask.

Maybe it's just me, but has anyone else noticed how often some TSR members cry for others to dump their partners over what seems to me like very minor issues. A girlfriend ignores her boyfriend, a boyfriend has a stray kiss, a boyfriend wants sex, a girlfriend showing signs of non-conformity and so on all seem reasons for people to suggest breaking up with their partners.

I'm not going to categorically go through threads and compile a list, but has anyone else noticed that when on an anonymous internet forum people suggest dumping, when in reality splitting up for such minor misdemeanours would be ridiculous (and ironically could result in a TSR thread about an unfair split-up where similar users say that the OP's better off without their partner).

Anyone else feel the same way?


Yoda believes that hearing the issue (and perhaps many negative comments along side) on its own may give the wrong impression. More detail is needed, or an answer to explain the pros and cons to let the thread starter make their own mind up.

Upon hearing of a stray kiss on its own, and perhaps someone's angry rantings a break up may be the obvious solution. But once we have heard the circumstances and how good the relationship has been before hand, this may be exceptionally bad advice.

Yoda feels often the blame does not solely lie on the helper's shoulders, but also on the thread starter's inability to convey the situation fully.
Reply 15
"a boyfriend has a stray kiss" from the OP!

I am disgusted with this comment saying it is ok for people to do this! If either partner had a stray kiss etc i would still see it as cheating, no matter how much of a kiss it was really! If my girlfriend just had a "stray kiss" i would kick her right out the door without a second thought!

I kiss most girls I know when we see each other/ just before we part. Same goes for my girlfriend. It's socially acceptable in the 21st century. Backing away from such a greeting/departing kiss is bad form.

If it wasn't, think how many people would be getting dumped in The Godfather.

Obvioulsy pulling/making out with etc. is another matter, but I didn't mention that.
I can't believe how high the threshold of the moral brigade is here.

I quite like that phrase. Might steal it.:wink:
Reply 16
I kiss most girls I know when we see each other/ just before we part. Same goes for my girlfriend. It's socially acceptable in the 21st century. Backing away from such a greeting/departing kiss is bad form.

I don't think that its the greeting goodbye kiss we're referring to. It's the full on tongue sandwich.
Reply 17
Really? I've always thought a 'kiss' was just a quick kiss on the cheek/lips? I guess the words has different connotations in different places.
Reply 18
Really? I've always thought a 'kiss' was just a quick kiss on the cheek/lips? I guess the words has different connotations in different places.
:rolleyes: of course it is, but anyone who dumps their gf/bf over a goodbye kiss is a lunatic.

In varying degrees:

Hello/goodbye kiss - like shaking hands.
Kiss on lips - general familiarity, or perhaps something more
Tongues and everything - sexual kiss! Not a hello, more of a HELL-O! Schwing!
Reply 19
I think people are just asking for somone to give them reasons to not do it, thats why they always make their cases a lil extreme... I dunno if u guys noticed or not? lol