My boyfriend of 18 months, broke up with me yesterday and i was devestated and had a night in with my best mates and chocolate but last night he texted me saying he loves me and he thinks hes made the biggest mistake of his life, he kept staying stuff like that and i got so upset that my mate had to conviscate my phone. He texted me this morning asking if we could meet up for lunch and talk, i said i needed some time away from him to to think about what i wanted. He really hurt me and i don't want to see him and end up taking the easy way out and get back with him if in a few months or a year or so he is gonna do it again. I was planning to break up with him anyway, because despite be in love with each other we were both obviously unhappy and driving each other mental, but when the oppurtunity came i couldn't go through with it which is when he did it. I do love him and he says he loves me but i'm still not sure if i wanna be with him anymore, i haven't been single for three years having gone straight from one boyfriend to the next in matter of days which probably was not the best thing to do, its a bit scary being out there again, single. He was my second proper boyfriend and coming straight after the first proper boyfriend its not like i've really been out there at all in the past. I don't know what to do, it really hurts to hear him saying how much he loves me and how he thinks he's '****ed up royally' as he so delicatley put it. I've weighed up the pros and cons with my mate and as usual the cons far outweigh the pros. But i love him, i just don't know what i should do. I'm not sure if i want to be with him, i'm not even sure if i'm ready for a relationhsip whether its with him or not. One of his reasons for breaking up with me was he didn't think i was ready for a relationship and hadn't been for 18 months i.e. the whole of our relationship. Any encouragement or advice/opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.