The Student Room Group

I stole something.. i don't feel guilty about it!

Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I stole something.

I didn't go out and plan to do it, I was queueing up in primark and ready to go into the changing room when the woman asked me how many items i had, i counted 4, she gave me the tag for 4 items. I went into the changing room and realised I had picked up 5. That's when I decided to do it.

It was a tank top, worth £2. I left the changing room after removing the tag from that top and wearing it underneath the top i already had on. I bought a skirt at the till.

After leaving the shop, i felt such a thrill, i didn't get caught. It was only something small but I got such a rush from it.

I don't want to be a criminal, i know this is so self destructive of me... i just don't feel that guilty about it! Why not!! Am i turning into a monster? I've never done anything like this in my life, what's changed?

How do i resist temptations if it ever happens again? Now that i've done it and realised i didn't set off the store alarms, i'm afraid i might do it again...


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Reply 1
haha theres bigger problems in the world, if you are that bothered go get some self control and find somewhere else to get your kicks
Reply 2
Do you not have willpower?

I've stolen things before and not felt guilty, tbh. It's never really bothered me. But I certainly can stop myself stealing - I haven't for years, I just nicked the odd thing for kicks when I was 14/15. You're not suddenly going to turn into a serious criminal or turn into a monster. Just get some self-control and don't steal again if it makes you feel like that. Christ.
Reply 3
I wouldn't ever have a drink if i were you, from the sounds of it you'd end up a lifelong alchoholic.
Reply 4
I'm telling.
I do not condone stealing at all! However small but you must feel some guilt to be writing on here?!? Best advice dont do it again as you may get caught and then you wont feel so clever! xxx
Reply 6
If you ever feel the urge to do it again, remember how worried you were about it becoming a habit after you did it at Primark.
Reply 7
TBH, I think you are over-reacting, it was a £2 top which they won't even notice is missing. Just if you are going to steal, steal from companies rather than people :wink: but I wouldn't advise doing it as getting caught would be a huge embarassment.
TBH, I think you are over-reacting, it was a £2 top which they won't even notice is missing. Just if you are going to steal, steal from companies rather than people :wink: but I wouldn't advise doing it as getting caught would be a huge embarassment.

Doesn't matter if you steal a 2quid tank top or a 1000 quid TV. Price does not matter, she is still stealing therefore she is in the wrong. YOu make it sound like if someone steals small and from companies then its fine, Id suggest you take another look at yourself before giving someone advice.
Reply 9
Doesn't matter if you steal a 2quid tank top or a 1000 quid TV. Price does not matter, she is still stealing therefore she is in the wrong. YOu make it sound like if someone steals small and from companies then its fine, Id suggest you take another look at yourself before giving someone advice.

Haha, it's done isn't it. I just wouldn't want our op friend to turn herself in over a £2 top. It's done now innit.
TBH, I think you are over-reacting, it was a £2 top which they won't even notice is missing. Just if you are going to steal, steal from companies rather than people :wink: but I wouldn't advise doing it as getting caught would be a huge embarassment.

I know, but just that bold part, that bit isn't right.
Well, obviously don't steal...however there is the world of difference between pinching something from a TNC like coca-cola/primark/tesco ect than breaking into peoples homes or cars and taking their children.
Well, obviously don't steal...however there is the world of difference between pinching something from a TNC like coca-cola/primark/tesco ect than breaking into peoples homes or cars and taking their children.

I get what you mean. Nike/Coca-cola are **** company, we all know they employ children to work for them paying them 20q each hour. But still morally its wrong to steal. 2 wrongs don't make a right :smile:
I think we just totally hijacked this thread.
Reply 14
Well it depends whether you see it as a victimless crime.

Shop assistants working there who trusted you to not lie about your number of items probably get into trouble somewhere along the line. You're causing them grief.
TBH, I think you are over-reacting, it was a £2 top which they won't even notice is missing. Just if you are going to steal, steal from companies rather than people :wink: but I wouldn't advise doing it as getting caught would be a huge embarassment.

What the hell are you on, it might only be £2 but it is still stealing why you trying to justify it.
Reply 16
I wouldn't ever have a drink if i were you, from the sounds of it you'd end up a lifelong alchoholic.

loooooooooooooooooool, seriously man that was ****ing hilarious.
Reply 17
It's my life
What the hell are you on, it might only be £2 but it is still stealing why you trying to justify it.

Looks like we got a few cops laying in the wrong forum :p:
Reply 18
It's actually quite easy to shoplift when you think about it. My friend's brother would do the same thing with jewellery. Take them into the changing room with other items and take the tags off.
Reply 19
Well it depends whether you see it as a victimless crime.

Shop assistants working there who trusted you to not lie about your number of items probably get into trouble somewhere along the line. You're causing them grief.

but the shop assistants are meant to count them themselves, to make sure, therefore avoiding any situations like the one above.
OP: Don't worry about it too much, just don't do it again