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How easy is it to get into a (decent) Aussie Uni?

I've been accepted into UCL with an offer of BBB. I'm pretty sure I'll get A's in two of my A-Level subjects, but I'm seriously at risk of failing the third outrightly. I'm guessing this would completely fudge up my chances of getting into UCL, and indeed my insurance, SOAS. So my question is, how easy is it to get into an Australian university? I'll be in SE Asia for a few months in the summer while i'm waiting for my results, doing some backpacking. Frankly, if I don't get into UCL I might just not come back, and simply apply to an Australian university whilst I'm in Thailand and start in January. I'm looking to get into a fairly decent Aussie uni (IE: UONSW, UOSydney). Would this be possible with two A-Levels grade A (History and a language)
Are you an international Student or Local Student(Australian Citizen)? If so, you have to apply universities via admission centres such as UAC(NSW) and VTAC(Victoria)....Generally, I think the English proficiency and enterance requirements don't match with your results exactly if you apply the admission centres as Local student.

But all universities recognize your A-levels results (All subjects) as same as Me!!

If you are local, your results will be converted into UAI or ENTER.
Reply 2
What course do you want?
The following forum is very helpful to you which is about Australian universities
Depends what course you want to get into. You'll be an international student, I assume. The best thing I'd say is to email the uni you want to be absolutely sure.

However, here's the entry requirement page from UNSW for you to consult:

2 As is 10 points so you should be able to get into a course in the faculty of arts/social science (which I assume you'll be interested in considering your A levels)

UNSW International, FYI

I'm currently attending UNSW so if you have any question...ask away :smile: PM if you want.

PS: I don't know everything though. :p:
Reply 5
Personally, i think australia offers a very good undergraduate education [except their 3 year course is without honours.. one of the top uni's there is Univ of Melbourne and this illustrates how easy it is to get in...
Entry scores : Future Students : The University of Melbourne
Reply 6
Personally, i think australia offers a very good undergraduate education [except their 3 year course is without honours.. one of the top uni's there is Univ of Melbourne and this illustrates how easy it is to get in...
Entry scores : Future Students : The University of Melbourne

3 year course is without honours? Do you have to study for 4 years to get an honours degree then?
YEs for an honours degree you need to do 4 years and you have to apply for that in the 2nd or third year.
Reply 8
Honours is typically a fourth year, involving a 15000-20000 word thesis and advanced coursework.
it is very easy to get into Aussie unis.
BUT u need 3 subjects at A-Level pass for the more prestigious unis...
Reply 11
it is very easy to get into Aussie unis.

Of course mate. USYD law is 99.55 UAI, which means you have to be in the top 0.45 % of students to get in

Jeez some people are ignorant and love to generalise.
Reply 12
Of course mate. USYD law is 99.55 UAI, which means you have to be in the top 0.45 % of students to get in

Jeez some people are ignorant and love to generalise.

yeah I totally agree. A lot of people keep saying it's really easy to get admission in Australia, but I saw the cut offs/entry requirements and now I know better!!
Reply 13
I have friends who are currently studying in Melbourne, the City( applying to university this year) and i completely agree with the fact that it is extremely hard to get into the top 3 Aussie Uni's as an Aussie Citizen (ANU, Melb, Syd)..correct me if i'm wrong?

However as international students, its beyond blindingly easy.. just look at the link i posted above with the 'guaranteed!' grades. I was seriously considering Melbourne.. (rather than the UK) because of its international ranking, etc. but I just can't come to grips with the fact.. that a ABC will get you a confirmed entry onto their Bachelor of Commerce! (which is their only economics related degree)
Reply 14
Yes the international entry grades are quite low, but it doesnt reflect on the quality of the course etc. The general consensus in Sydney unis (never been to melb uni), is that we dont like international students much as they dont speak much english which is a pain in the ass when group work comes, and they dont perform as high as their domestic counterparts.
Australian universities are among the most competitive on the planet, depending on the course. If you're looking for a popular course you almost don't stand a chance unless you're absolutely brilliant, in which case you'd be going to UCL. Not to mention you'd be paying full fees, which means... a lot of money.
Reply 16
Does anyone know if I would likely get accepted into a science course e.g. Biomed/Pharmacy with the following A-Levels: - BTEC Applied Science (D*D*), Health & Social Care AS (A) and Psychology A2 (B)?