The Student Room Group

Rash all over my body

On Friday my forearms were itchy and a slight red rash had developed. I thought it was maybe just a heat rash but when I woke up on Saturday it had spread to the rest of my body. On Saturday I visited the doctor on call twice. The first time I was given Piriton for what they assumed was an allergic reaction. It made no difference, the second time I was given steroids - again they have made no difference. I visited casualty last night because the itch was unbearable and I was having difficult walking, sitting down, bending etc. Here they noticed that I had a bad throat infection and thought the two may be linked. Anyway, I'm to phone my GP tomorrow to arrange blood tests with a view to be referred to a dermatoligist.

Basically I'm just wondering has anyone ever experienced anything like this before? I don't like to feel as if I'm bothering the doctors but this rash is quite painful and severely itch not to mention extremely unpleasant to look at. I am also worried that my university finals start in less than 2 weeks time and at the minute I can't even write. :frown:
Reply 1
get some calamine lotion and just out LOADS all over the affected areas. i was in same situation. i had piraton and wnet to hospital and didnt clear up, then they gave em steriods for 5 days and it cleared up. Mine went away ina few days. also if you start to feel cold or light headed LIE DOWN IMMEDIATELY or you could die, this si because if this is an allergy attack, it causes low blood pressure and you die of lack fo blood to brain. Also if you find difficulty in breathing IMMEDIATELY get help, cos sometimes your airways swell up. these are only extreme cases but be aware.
Reply 2
Keep harrassing them until you notice an improvement
Reply 3
I had something similar..4 doctors diagnosed it as pityriasis rosea, but I wasn't convinced so stuck with it and saw a 5th, who finally diagnosed it as infected eczema, gave me some antibiotics and it cleared up.