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So worried.

Heya :smile:

Im in year 11 doing gcses and I'm really worried/stressed. I have been revising for a while now and I felt I had it all under control..but with two weeks left I have realised I still have around 3/4's of the syllabus to learn in some subjects.
Im usually quite relaxed and calm but I am just so so so so so worried lately, I dunno what to do.

This sounds really lame but Im just so stressed about my exams, I felt I was prepared but now realitys hit me that Im not.

Thanks to anyone who can help :frown:

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Don't worry about it. If you've worked consistently all year you should be fine - you won't be able to do any revision if you're stressed out or worried 'cos you just won't focus.My [ex] boyfriend broke up with me 2 days before my GCSEs...and I still did pretty well :smile: Just revise in short bursts, don't try and sit for hours on end, as nothing productive will come out of that...
Reply 2
I felt the same before all of my exams. I didn't go into a single one feeling prepared; but I did well. The fact is, you think you don't know the syllabus, but once you get into the exam the pressure brings back a lot of things - also, you realise that you get marks for things you wouldn't expect.
The key thing is, just to keep revising without getting stressed - doesn't matter how unprepared you feel; you'll do better than you think as long as you try your best.
Reply 3
It's not lame. I'm afraid all you can do is try your best. If you want to get in some more revision then try, but the important thing to remember is not to push yourself and make yourself worse over it. It's impossible to learn absolutely everything.
Reply 4
It just feels asif Im not prepared and I thought I was but now Im not and I cant even focus. Today I did history and in my head I was like

Reply 5
its really not lame, loads and loads of people go through what you're going through. If you feel you havent got enough time, then do what my bf does - he basically has a quick read thru of the stuff he's quite confident on and then only really focuses on the stuff he's not that sure on.
Reply 6
Thats a good idea :smile:
Reply 7
What sort of grades are you predicted?

I know A's and A*'s are nice and will make things a lot easier later on in life........but if you only need 5 C's to do A-Levels then there's very little point in making yourself stressed to the point of ill to get more than that.
Reply 8
It just feels asif Im not prepared and I thought I was but now Im not and I cant even focus. Today I did history and in my head I was like


I'm like this as well. I just say to myself, "Look self, you've been revising for *so long* and you know all of this. Plus, even if you're not doing *insert subject or topic here* today then you're doing something. You can always do some tomorrow."
Reply 9
Im predicted 12A's.
The weird thing is before (i even posted it a few months ago in a thread about a similar thing) I knew how to relax. I used to read magazines, go bike riding etc, but now I feel when I try to do them Im just still thinking about all my revision!
Don't panic!!! I think it's perfectly normal to stress about exams (but not good!) Your predicted grades are awesome and show that you have done a lot of work and are capable of good grades. Maybe you just feel like the pressure's on 'cos such a high standard is expected of you? I was predicted all A*s MINIMUM at GCSE..sheesh. Talk about pressure. I find a lot of people predicted these grades get like this before exams but always do fine, it's just a bit of like 'arghh, what if I don't cruise through this time and do well?!'

Btw, PM me if you want help with french. :smile:
Reply 11
thanks :smile:

Yeah I feel too much is expected of me, also my sisters did really well which adds to the pressure.
Yeah, well just remember, you can only do your best - which will no doubt be good enough with predicted grades like that! Worrying is the worst thing you can do. Pretend you're not nervous and chances are you won't be! (it works for me anyway)

I have a friend whose sister got all A*s at GCSE and his parents had really high expectations of him, he had like 7 A*s and 5 As or something, and his parents just said to him 'you could have done better' and one of his parents didn't even say anything to him at all! I think that's really mean, the pressure on us to do well in exams is so great anyway, and the questions are always phrased to catch you out...anyone else feel this way? Grrrr!
Look, don't worry about what your sisters got. As long as you get grades that are good for you, then thats ok. If you've put in the revision then thats all you can do. Just go in there feeling positive! :smile: Exams are stressful, horrible things but they will be over before you know and then you can relax for the rest of the summer!! :biggrin: Good luck!
Reply 14
Yep theres always so much pressure, its like the whole world revolves around exams at this period!
Reply 15
beach surf babe
Look, don't worry about what your sisters got. As long as you get grades thare are good for you, then thats ok. If you've put in the revision then thats all you can do. Just go in there feeling positive! :smile: Exams are stressful, horrible things but they will be over before you know and then you can relax for the rest of the summer!! :biggrin: Good luck!

Thanks :hugs:
Use your nervousness to your advantage, honestly you will get so much more done if you are worried, adrenaline will start to flow, use that nervous energy!! And if you are running out of time maybe change revision technique, for example: if you are sat there and have decided to make revision notes for every subject, don't persevere if it isn't working, think 'well i'll make spiderdiagrams instead.'
Good luck!!:smile: i'm sure you'll be fine, and things will become a lot easier once you are on studyleave.
And think positive, think about what you HAVE done, not what you haven't and ignore what everyone else SAYS they have done, from my experience some will underplay, others will overplay, most ppl lie:p:
Reply 17
Thanks :smile:
It makes it worse at school when everyones like "I DID 10 HOURS" "I DID 12 HOURS"
Im like o-m-g!!
Oh ignore all those claims of how much revision people did. Most probably brag to cover up their nervousness that they haven't done enough. As long as your revising then its fine.
Thanks :smile:
It makes it worse at school when everyones like "I DID 10 HOURS" "I DID 12 HOURS"
Im like o-m-g!!

If anyone did between 10-12 hours I'd be surprised if there weren't actually dying/dead.