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Chewing the insides of my mouth

I do it really bad to the point where the whole inside of my mouth is ruined and I can't eat certain foods because it brings tears to my eyes - but even this doesn't stop me!

It gets even worse when I'm stressed which is now due to exams and getting a placement etc I sometimes do it without actually realising it and recently I've been chewing my mouth every chance I have.

anyway I would love to stop doing it but I don't know how - does anybody else do it? Or does anybody know any tips to stop it? I know some of my friends do it but not as extreme as me so I'm at a loss! :smile: :smile:

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Chewing gum? Much less painful (and tastier) than your cheeks :smile:
I do it infrequently when I get mouth ulcers rarely because they taste nice (ok it's bizarre I know...I shouldn't enjoy eating myself.) I also end up shredding the inside of my bottom lip from the pressure against my bottom teeth from playing clarinet which I don't make any better by chewing it as well.

Any clarinetists got any advice on how to protect the bottom lip from the teeth? I've seen my friend use rolling papers - do they work?
Reply 3
Any clarinetists got any advice on how to protect the bottom lip from the teeth? I've seen my friend use rolling papers - do they work?

Noooo they do not! Well, they don't work for me - they make my teeth slide on my lip, which causes my embouchure to go haywire, and they're just generally a pain in the arse. I generally just put up with an eternally shred lip because I hate the feeling of anything between my lip and teeth when playing distances your teeth that much more from the reed, and I always find I lose a bit of articulation/tone control.

Saying that, one of my friends sometimes uses a tiny rectangle of masking tape which folds over the teeth and basically "blunts" them so they don't press against the lip so much. Apparently it tastes foul but it's worth it...whatever works for you.

And OP, I also bite the inside of my doesn't hurt until it does..and then it canes. It's a stress thing for me as well I think.
Reply 4
I do this too, I wish I could stop. I started using mouthwash recently and it really stings. I've done it since I can remember, and it can be so satisfying...but it's a pretty horrible habit. I do it when I'm nervous or concentrating, so especially when I'm working.

The clarinettist question - I've never had that much of a problem with my teeth hurting my bottom lip, except when I had a brace. I think any pain is mainly caused (for me) by self-inflicted nervous biting. Maybe you're pressing too hard?
I do it infrequently when I get mouth ulcers rarely because they taste nice (ok it's bizarre I know...I shouldn't enjoy eating myself.) I also end up shredding the inside of my bottom lip from the pressure against my bottom teeth from playing clarinet which I don't make any better by chewing it as well.

Any clarinetists got any advice on how to protect the bottom lip from the teeth? I've seen my friend use rolling papers - do they work?

Just practise lots. Once you've played enough your body learns to make tougher skin there, and it stops hurting.
Reply 6
Just practise lots. Once you've played enough your body learns to make tougher skin there, and it stops hurting.

This is what I was going to post, but if you look at her sig she's doing music next year, and you'd think she'd be doing a fair bit of practice already. So I gave her a technique tip, which was probably about as useful..
Reply 7
Gum is good. It stops me when I do it, which is suprisingly regularly.

Find a replacement. Gum as someone said or just chew the end of your pen, anything!
I only ever do that after I've taken pills or speed. Gum helps.
Reply 10
I do it when I have an incoming cold...I don't even realise it untill I have blood everywhere inside my mouth... :s-smilie:
i chew the inside of my mouth quite often too - i too have just started using mouthwash and i think that might be a bit of a deterrent i found it out it hurt so much this morning when using it.

i used to bite my nails so i think my replacement for that, is biting my mouth - you just need to find a replacement i think.
Reply 12
I was doing it while I was reading this thread :redface: Another nasty habit I have is biting my nails and the skin around my nails. As others have suggested, you need to find an alternative. My parents bought me a necklace a while ago; I stick the pendant in my mouth and suck away on it.
This is what I was going to post, but if you look at her sig she's doing music next year, and you'd think she'd be doing a fair bit of practice already. So I gave her a technique tip, which was probably about as useful..

Yes, and which isn't necessary. You're talking to an experienced clarinettist, here. Practise is all that's needed. That's not just my own opinion, but that of every other experienced clarinettist that I've spoken to about it. If you think she's "pressing too hard" then fair enough. But you shouldn't have to change reed types or technique to get over this, as you'll wreck your sound.

And don't use tape. You lose some of the resonance, and your sound'll get blurred. And worse, you'll become dependent on having the tape there, and your stamina for playing without it will go down the pan.
Reply 14
Yes, and which isn't necessary. You're talking to an experienced clarinettist, here. Practise is all that's needed. That's not just my own opinion, but that of every other experienced clarinettist that I've spoken to about it. If you think she's "pressing too hard" then fair enough. But you shouldn't have to change reed types or technique to get over this, as you'll wreck your sound.

And don't use tape. You lose some of the resonance, and your sound'll get blurred. And worse, you'll become dependent on having the tape there, and your stamina for playing without it will go down the pan.

I do this aswell along with pulling my hair out, especially when i'm stressed. I chew gum to stop myself chewing the insides of my mouth because otherwise it gets painful :frown:
Reply 16
I don't chew my mouth but I grit my teeth alot, at the back mainly. No I've never taken drugs :frown:
I only ever do that after I've taken pills or speed. Gum helps.

2 packs of gum is essential for those big nights out :wink:
Reply 18
Yes, and which isn't necessary. You're talking to an experienced clarinettist, here. Practise is all that's needed. That's not just my own opinion, but that of every other experienced clarinettist that I've spoken to about it. If you think she's "pressing too hard" then fair enough. But you shouldn't have to change reed types or technique to get over this, as you'll wreck your sound.

And don't use tape. You lose some of the resonance, and your sound'll get blurred. And worse, you'll become dependent on having the tape there, and your stamina for playing without it will go down the pan.

Ok, no need to be patronising, you're talking to an experienced clarinettist, saxophonist and alto-clarinettist here.

I wasn't implying in any way that she should change reed types, just maybe that she was pushing down too hard just as a guess, because practice seems so obvious and I couldn't think of much else. As I said, she must already be doing quite a lot of practice if she is going to study music.
Reply 19
Find a replacement. Gum as someone said or just chew the end of your pen, anything!

I'd suggest gum over the end of your pen... i have the bad habit of chewing the end of my pen when i'm thinking, but theres always that odd occasion you end up with a mouthfull of ink.... mm.... tasty.... :s-smilie: . Stick to the gum. :smile: