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How long did it take you to get over your ex??

Well, as the title says, how long did it take you to get over your ex gf/bf?

My ex bf dumped me a few weeks ago, and he told me he had second thoughs afterwards - he was basically messing me around for weeks after cause he wasn't sure what he wanted. He was going to ask me back out, and his reason was because he couldn't bare thinking of me with someone else, but he didn't in the end.

When i hear of him going out with his friends, or him texting another girl, i get a bit jealous! Is this normal to feel like this weeks after you've been dumped? If so, how long does it last for? Cause i get fed up with feeling like this!! We are both still friends - there are no hard feelings at all!! I just don't want to feel jealous of him moving on, cause it makes me feel so crap.

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Reply 1
3 months. Woke up one day, and I didn't care at all. Still getting over my recent break-up though.....but it's only been 1.5 months.:wink:
Reply 2
imo staying friends draw it out for longer, i find its always best to have a time of zero contact etc. so that you both know where you are and know the two of you arent together anymore. then after that you can try to be friends again. the ex i didnt stay friends with took me a week or two, one i did keep talking to took about a month.
A very long time. Staying in touch didn't help.
Reply 4
Usually at least a month or two. I agree with everyone else, staying in touch makes it worse, for me.
I think it was about 3ish months.
Reply 6
Yes, when we broke up i didn't want to hear from him at all, but we don't have a choice cause we study the same subject, and are continuing to study the same course this september for 2 years :s-smilie: so we don't really have a choice!! Thanks for your replys :smile:
Reply 7
It's going to take time, especially if you still like him. Staying friends might not the best way to get over him.

Either wait it out and in a few months (unless you actually 'love' him) you'll be over him, or you'll meet someone else and wont even bother thinking about your ex anymore. :rolleyes:
Reply 8
Yes i reality, if we weren't doing the same course as each other, i wouldn't have kept in contact with him, but the fact that we are, i thought making the effort to stay friends is the best way, cause i don't want the tension
Reply 9
it's perfectly normal to be jealous..

it's taken me since october to get over my ex.. (granted, i was still seeing him/sleeping with him until feburary) but to be fair, he's now with someone else, and for some reason, that's just caused me to not give a crap about him anymore. him being with someone else has shown me that he has moved on, and it's given me closure. i was wondering 'what if he wants to get back together' for ages, but now i know we never will, it kind of feels great. it's like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
plus, i've found someone who is a million times better than my ex anyway. i'm glad things happened the way they did.. i learnt so much from that last relationship and now i know how to make a relationship work. i thank him in a way.. i hate him for what he put me through and for lying for so long (saying he loved me.. jackass) but now i know i'm so much better for it.

i think it just depends on you though. if you can let go, move on and find someone else, the easier it'll be. for me, i saw the picture of him with his new whore (lol) and from that moment, life became that little bit easier.

of course, there is always going to be a little part of me that hope he ends up alone and such, but he was a jackass.
Reply 10
it's taken me since october to get over my ex.. (granted, i was still seeing him/sleeping with him until feburary) but to be fair, he's now with someone else, and for some reason, that's just caused me to not give a crap about him anymore. him being with someone else has shown me that he has moved on, and it's given me closure. i was wondering 'what if he wants to get back together' for ages, but now i know we never will, it kind of feels great. it's like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
plus, i've found someone who is a million times better than my ex anyway. i'm glad things happened the way they did.. i learnt so much from that last relationship and now i know how to make a relationship work. i thank him in a way.. i hate him for what he put me through and for lying for so long (saying he loved me.. jackass) but now i know i'm so much better for it.

See, this is a geat example of how i'm feeling - I asked him a few weeks ago if he thought there was a possibility we would get back together, and he said "yes, i don't know when, but i have a gut feeling it will" ever since then, part of me doesn't know what to do. He acts like we are never going to get back together, but then he invites me round his house still :s-smilie:
I'm over my ex but the guy i went out with before that took about 2ish months.. maybe still like him kind of :frown:.. with the others about a month though, not very long i guess.
Reply 12
I'm over my ex but the guy i went out with before that took about 2ish months.. maybe still like him kind of :frown:.. with the others about a month though, not very long i guess.

Did you keep in contact with your ex's?
Reply 13
*****ing ages mainly because I see her every day at 6th form and her friends are mine too. About 6 months when I'd only been going out with her for 4!!
Reply 14
*****ing ages mainly because I see her every day at 6th form and her friends are mine too. About 6 months when I'd only been going out with her for 4!!

You sound like me to a T

I see my ex everyday of college, we have te same friends, and we had been going out 4 months!!
Reply 15
You sound like me to a T

I see my ex everyday of college, we have te same friends, and we had been going out 4 months!!

You sure you didn't used to go out with me ? :wink:

Either way, I got over her because I now hate her and her bf's guts as he banned her from talking to me and we've not spoken for over 6 months! I'm going to uni the same uni as her...and her halls are next to mine! D'oh.
shouldnt take you too long if u was together for 4 months, was gonna say if it was yrs then it would be a different story an would be probably a lot more difficult to get over her.
Did you keep in contact with your ex's?

I talk to a few of them sometimes on msn but nothing more than that, i don't wish for anything more than that :p:
Reply 18
I talk to a few of them sometimes on msn but nothing more than that, i don't wish for anything more than that :p:

Don't blame you from what you've told me.

To orginal poster. It really depends on the person ans situation and the reason you broke up. If you still like him, you are bound to be jelous. If you hate him, you'd get over him quicker.
You see him everyday and don't know wether we wants to get back with you then it could go on for months and months. :frown:
Time is the healer, but there is no time scale really set. All you can do is keep yourself busy.