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Are you close with your siblings?

I know it may seem trivial to some people. But just wondering how many of you are close to your siblings?
I'm a 20 year old girl and I have a brother whose 18. We're not CLOSE close, and we kind of get along. But I look at other brother-sisters who are soo close and I can't help feeling jealous :frown:

I really wish my brother and I were closer. He has some not-so-nice problems (which are more dramatic and serious than teenager-problems) in his own life which brings him down but I try to be there for him and have a chat with him even if I am away at uni but he doesn't give much response.

DOn't know what I am looking for on this forum... advice/empathy whatever.. sorry if it bored you, just needed to say it :frown:

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Reply 1
I dont know how old my younger sisters are...
Any Cornish people, about?
I detest my brother. He's an alcoholic and a waste of space. He can't hold down a job and it a burden upon my family as they continue to support him. He steals my stuff to buy drugs / alcohol and i'd be better off if he just disappeared.

Right now he is playing his ****e chav music, i have work in the morning but cant get to sleep.

Sorry, im ranting now.
me and my older brother never used to get on at all, he was really horrid to me as a teenager and would beat me up and has held a knife up to my throat.. But now he is 20 and more mature, he couldnt be any more different, he is a great person and we get along famously
Reply 5
I detest my brother. He's an alcoholic and a waste of space. He can't hold down a job and it a burden upon my family as they continue to support him. He steals my stuff to buy drugs / alcohol and i'd be better off if he just disappeared.

Right now he is playing his ****e chav music, i have work in the morning but cant get to sleep.

Sorry, im ranting now.

Ok well wow :frown: that sounds kind of bad. Sorry to hear it. My brother isn't like that, just hard to communicate with. Life!! :mad:
Reply 6
To be honest Ive lost a lot of respect for both my half sisters and my brother (in total thats all my siblings)
my half sisters dont live with me and its been a good few years since my family have seen their faces.
my brother, hes just a tosser n a half doesnt really care for any one else but himself , he "cares" for someone only if he gains something from it =/

theres my brief introduction to my sibilings haha!
Reply 7
I get on really well with my brother; he's like my best friend actually.

OP: You say you try to be there for your brother - that makes you a great sister even if you're not as close as you might like. :smile:

I guess it all depends on people's personalities and stuff; you don't have to be close just because you're related, it depends on whether you actually are suited as friends or something.
I barely know my siblings, and I'm not really fussed that I do or not.

I don't really let myself get close to anybody and my family really isn't an exception :smile:
Reply 9
I'm not close with my brother at all. When we were little we used to play together, he would even let me hang out with his mates and build dens in the woods and climb trees and stuff :smile: I was a bit of a tomboy.

Then honestly he turned into a monster. He got arrested several times, stole my mum's car, I had to sit in on a police interview with him for shoplifting (which was actually kinda fun, so can't complain) got kicked out of school a couple of times, threatened me and was pretty violent, tried to hit my dad a couple of times. It goes on.

He left school (voluntarily in the end...) at 16 after getting 1 GCSE and got a job in a potato factory. My mum and dad bought him a motorbike and he eventually saved up enough to sell it and get a car. He trained for a while as a mechanic, but couldn't find a job, so went back to the potato factory. He's recently moved into a flat with his long-term girlfriend (who he's been with for absolutely ages)

I love my little brother and I'm proud of him for getting off his arse and making something (a job, a house, a girlfriend) out of nothing. He's not the easiest person to communicate with, he's never grown out of the grunting stage, but he's now 18 and although I haven't seen him for a while he's my little brother again now.
my brother smells like farts.

no, we're not close at all.
I don't have any siblings - not blood ones anyway.

I have one step-brother. He is 10 years older than me, and I only aquired him as my step-brother when I was 18.
He's married and has kids and I don't really have anything to do with him. We've met a handful of times but he's more or less a stranger to me.
Reply 12
i am an only child...however my parents tell me otherwise! they (syblings..unfortunately two of them) are the most anoying stupidest things in the world. They are thick ****s! i dont like them at all, i dont even talk to them, yet they manage to get me in trouble, even when im not there or something, they still manage to get me in trouble! I had to phone one of them up a few weeks ago bcoz my mum said i had to be home to let them in and i was running late, i went through the phone book in my phone and like just froze, i forget her name and had to ask a friend my sisters name. Thats how close we are!
Reply 13
Nah, i'm pretty sure they forget i exist 99.99% of the time.
Me and my older bro kinda get on its a werid relationship he tells me i smell and everything but then if anything happened to me he wld b there 4 me
me and my sis r like best friends although thats maybe coz she works away in another country so i dont hardly ever see her but wen we do c each other we get on great
although it hasnt always bin this way at all but its good now
I hate my brother because he's always trying to prove that he is the 'better' sibling. And acts like the older brother.
Reply 16
I detest my brother. He's an alcoholic and a waste of space. He can't hold down a job and it a burden upon my family as they continue to support him. He steals my stuff to buy drugs / alcohol and i'd be better off if he just disappeared.

Right now he is playing his ****e chav music, i have work in the morning but cant get to sleep.

Sorry, im ranting now.

wow, that sounds bad. surely your parents can get him chucked out, that will wake him up!
Reply 17
I gave my sister hell growing up. She is 6 years older. Now that I'm more mature, we get along splendidly. That and we have a mutual hatred of the piece of scum that is our father.
Reply 18
My brother will be 15 in May, and it's only recently since I went to uni that we've got a bit closer I think, as brothers. Whenever I go back we seem to talk more, it's cool, I'd like to know him better.
I don't have any siblings - not blood ones anyway.

I have one step-brother. He is 10 years older than me, and I only aquired him as my step-brother when I was 18.
He's married and has kids and I don't really have anything to do with him. We've met a handful of times but he's more or less a stranger to me.

I've no siblings either, you seem to have done an awful lot though for someone of 23:tsr2: