The Student Room Group

When will this stop?

I've reached a milestone. After having spent years drinking perhaps a glass of water a day I've broken my coke habit (yes the drinkable sort) and started drinking large amount of water. Today I am proud to say I have drunk 1.5 litres of water, which is massive compared to what I am used to drinking. :biggrin:

However, although I know water is supposed to do wonders for skin, water retention etc may I be so brash as to ask how long this constant peeing will last? I've only started my new regime today, but I've seen more of the inside of the bathroom than anywhere else :s-smilie: I don't want a silly thing like this put me off my new healthy idea!
Reply 1
I don't think water actually does anything for the skin, except maybe when you drink water you're not drinking other stuff which makes the skin worse. Water just goes through the system and hydrates you.
Reply 2
lol erm i dont think the peeing stops, i drink about 2-3 litres a day, plus like a litre of milk, its anoying bcoz sometimes i got to get up during the night to pee, so just dont drink before you go bed. And eat solids aswell, so it absorbs the water i think. And maybe exercise with it as well, i find the days i go gym and drink that much, i dont need to pee as much, but if im not active and just drinking water, then i need to pee!
Reply 3
That includes going to the gym today :smile: I try to go every other day but its just circuit training.
Reply 4
Recently I've been drinking 2-2.5 litres aday and during mid day I end up peeing every hour...or less :eek:

However after about 3PM I stop myself drinking as much so I can have a nice full nights sleep! :smile:
Reply 5
That includes going to the gym today :smile: I try to go every other day but its just circuit training.

aww lol then im not sure. Maybe dont go straight into drinking so much, your body probably isnt used to it so make it more of a gradual change like drink 1 litre a day for a week etc and gradually increase. And make sure you eat right!
Reply 6
What goes in, must come out!
Reply 7
I don't want it to come out, I want it to stay in and do magic things, then disappear :frown:
Reply 8
I've done this before but could never stick to it :redface: I love tea and coffee too much and couldn't kick the habit.

I think going from coke to water should be easier though. Good luck with it all PPUK :smile:
Reply 9
I'm afraid peeing is inevitable. I remember on my first choral course I drank pretty much continuously throughout rehearsals and needed the loo every single break, often twice in one break lol.
Reply 10
I haven't drank fizzy liquids for a year and a half (except certain alcohol, of course). All other times I drink water, coffee or fruit juice, mostly water though. The peeing went on for a bit, but generally toned down after a while. Which is odd, as I seem to have the world's smallest bladder when I go out on the piss. Go figure.
I'm on a massive water regime at the moment and I feel your pain :smile:

I used to drink upwards 10-15 cups of tea/coffee a day and quite often have a bottle of coke or two as well.

For one thing, the caffeine was just unhealthy and was causing me sleep problems and generally just made me feel tired and lousy.

I now limit myself to a cup or two of weak tea a day, and drink about 3 litres of water to go along with it.

I don't really eat that much, especially not at the moment - but just having this high amount of water does wonders for the wellbeing feeling, although I can't say I've noticed my skin becoming wonderful (I'm not sure what wonderful skin is tbh!)

I have to pee constantly, but I think my bladder has gotten highly used to the high quantity of liquid because I tend to go less frequently in erm.. larger volumes :redface:

I also find if now I don't drink my 3 litres of water, my urine becomes a horrible dark colour very easily, so I guess I've developed a dependency :biggrin: