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24 hour blood pressure monitors... anyone had experience of one?

I went to the doctors today, and the said they think I have 'white coat' high blood pressure, which means that going to the doctors makes me anxious, so my blood pressure increases... obviously not good for the doc wanting to take my BP to check it's okay!

I'm booked in for a 24 hour blood pressure monitor, where I wear it for 24 hours to see if my BP is okay throughout the normal daily activities.
I actually have no idea what to expect though. Has anyone had experience with one of these machines? Either themselves, or a family member/friend? Do they restrict you?

I had this twice, a few years ago, and it proved my "white coat" syndrome. It doesnt really restrict you although you obviously have to do "normal" activities that day, dont go running a marathon because it will skew the readings. You attach it under your clothes and the cuff inflates every hour (not as tight as the doctor does it though, so it doesnt feel as bad, and you get used to it as the time goes on)
With me, I used to always have high bp when I had it done at the doctors because of "white coat" effect, then I had to go every month and have the nurse measure it and I got worked up about what the reading would be so that went up as well. I had two 24hr blood pressure readings in 6 months of each other and when the results went back to my doctors, they were in the "normal" category. I never got called back!
I had one a few years ago too. It wasn't too bad, got tangled a few times, but thats what I get for trying to play tennis with it on :rolleyes:

Mines didn't work because the pads didn't stick to me or something so I ended up having to stay in hospital for them to do tests.

Don't worry about it, its a wee bit inconvenient but it doesn't hurt at all and it'll be over before you know it :smile:

Good luck with the results :smile:
Reply 3
My teacher had one a few months ago and she was fine with it. It annoyed her a bit and she didn't come back from the bathroom for ages cos she said it was a pain but other than that I don't think she found it bad.
I get "white coat" high blood pressure. Whenever I go to the doctors and have it tested it is always high. I had to have a 24 hour blood pressure monitor on once to make sure everything was ok. It was better then normal 120/60 :smile:. Basically you have to hide it under your clothes and carry on as normal. Now they ignore any blood pressure readings at the doctors that I have because they know its nerves.
Reply 5
My mother had to wear one a few years ago. It got on her nerves a little, but she's very irritable anyway. It didn't seem particularly uncomfortable though and it was worth the fuss in the end. You could get your own BP tester to use at home (my family owns one because of our history of heart problems), they're only about £10 from pharmacies and are always worth having if you're going to need your BP checked regularly. Save you having to wear a 24 hour monitor every few months.
thanks guys :smile:

i think i only need it on the once (hopefully).

i'm a bit annoyed as the only day i can have it is on the day of my mates 18th, my driving test, or middle of exams! :frown:

the party day it has to be, which is really annoying. ah well. only have to do it once (hopefully!)

thanks again!
Reply 7
well if you get drunk your blood pressure will definitely rise and skew the readings. Nerves about taking your driving test will make it rise and skew the readings.. - so it's not ideal is it!?
well i wouldn't have gotten drunk! it's the not being there which is annoying. big social event etc.
Reply 9
You can still go surely? xx
i'll ask the medical technician when they fit it. maybe.
i guess they said it's to monitor your BP during normal life, and normal for a teenager is going out, so if it gets stupidly high when i'm at a party and i'm not drinking/getting too energetic it could be a cause for concern. have to see what they say.