The Student Room Group

I'm confused

I'm friends of Luke and Eva, and they are couples for 7 years.We are all foreigners, but i'm oriental, and they are european. Because we were all foreigners we understand each other's feeling of leaving home and stuff like that, and so we became bonded. Luke and Eva used to live in the staff accomodation at our work place but because of they way the staffs were treated by the bosses and some other staffs, they decided to find their own flat. Eva manage to find a new job in another town which is roughly 20 mins journey from this town, they eventually found a new place to stay in that town, and they moved. But Luke is still working at this place, and he said he'll stay as long as I stay (becuse i been thinking about leaving this job too). I knew he has some kind of feeling for me as he always tell other people that he really likes me, he've very protective (he wouldn't let other guys touch me) and i'm a very nice young girl (He's 7 years older than me), and he confes to me twice abou this feeling for me. Once was during a party he came after me and hugged me (really really tightly) and said he loves me; the second time was after my birthday party - Eva left the party early cus she wasn't feeling well. i was chatting with some guys who used to work with us and are in my age; Luke lifted me up suddenly and took me out of that plave and said i need to go, and i didn't argue as it was really late and i would like some peace after all those drinks. So we walked in silence, he held my hand, and when we were nearly at his accommodation he hugged me again and said that he would have been with me if he was single.

Last friday he confest to me that his life is a mess cus he's with someone that he doesn't love and he thinks someone is waiting for him. It's not that he doesn't love Eva, but the love he has for her isn't that kinda love in a relationship.BUt he said he couldn't leave Eva cus she havs some family problem and he doesn't want to hurt her. He also said that he wanted to leave her after 5 months they were together as he realise that she's not the one he's looking for but he didn't want to hurt her because Eva came from a bad family background, so the realtionship carry on until now. I can see what he really meant and i feel sorry for him. I love Eva, and i just realise that i love Luke too when he told us that he decided to leave this job ( that means i wouldn't see him again). he was struggling to make a decision because he knows what ever he decides will make a very big difference.

I have been keeping my feelings to myself all the time because I don't want anyone to get hurts especially Eva as she is my friend, but it hurts when i see Luke is so confused and he told me that he has been crying because of his relationship with Eva.

So, he's going to leave soon, and i know I'm going to miss him A LOT. I'm not sure if i should let him knows how i always feel towards him.
Reply 1
boo hooo body cares about me...