The Student Room Group

Harrods - Interview

Okay, so I applied over the weekend for a waitering position at Harrods, and today they emailed me inviting me for interview. I took an interview place next Thursday from 1-4pm. I assume it's some kind of group interview thing :s-smilie:. If anyone could give me some insight into the Harrods interviewing process, such as what questions are asked and what I'll have to do, I'd much appreciate it.

Secondly, I'm a little bit concerned about my appearance. Hehe, not that I'm too ugly to work there! Basically, what should I wear? A suit? Just a shirt and smart trousers? I'm at a loss here! Obviously I don't want to be casual, but what should I actually wear?!

As well as this, I have five visible piercings; four on my ear, and one in my eyebrow. Most of the time for school I have a clear retainer in the eyebrow one, which can't be seen, but is it advisable to put clear retainers in the other four? :s-smilie: I'd assume so, seeing as it's Harrods and all, but what is there policy towards ear piercings?

Oh, and finally - I'm only 17. I'm not sure if my age will be a problem, or if I have to be 18 to work as a waiter in Harrods. I'd assume it's okay, because they've invited me to interview, but if someone could clarify for me :s-smilie:.

Thanks :hugs:
Hmm I cant shed any light on the interviewing process unfortuntly but in my experiece when it comes to jewellery and piercings it isnt allowed when waitering.
When I was working as a waitress I was allowed 2 small studs one in each ear) and the males were not allowed anything.
You were not allowed any facial piercings either so if possible id avoid even wearing a retainer for the interview and then find out their policies if you are offered the job.

Appearance wise, id dress to impress- it is harrods afterall and they are likely to have very high standards regarding their staff seeing as they have a reputation to maintain.

I wouldnt have thought that you would have to be 18 though unless you were serving alcohol or anything like that- but dont take my word as I dont have a clue.

Sorry I couldnt be more helpful.
Good luck though, hope you get the job :biggrin:
Reply 2
Look as smart as possible. Even if you're dressed smarter than everyone else, you'll show them how much you want the job and how serious you are about it. Probably best to wear a suit and smart shirt, and a tie if you feel like it, this way you could always take off the jacket if you feel too smart.

I think you should loose the piercings for the interview.

Good Luck!! (and if you get the job I expect free food and great service if I'm ever at Harrods)
Reply 3
I think a lot of their employees are good looking. so i suppose that's like a must - be well presented and all. Try to dress up to impress I guess.
Reply 4