The Student Room Group

One Night Stands

With the same kind of feeling as the thread about safe sex, what are your opinions on ONS? Have you had any? Would you ever consider continuing to see the person whom you had the ONS with and maybe even turning into a relationship? Guys, do you think badly of girls who have ONS? Girls, how easy do you find it to kind of switch yourself off emotionally and take it for what it is, just sex, without thinking it might lead to something more? Am just asking out of curiosity as it's something which has been discussed among my group of mates recently.

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Reply 1
personally, terrible. i dont see why any self respecting person would do it. sorry. and there are diseases out there like crabs or warts that condoms cant protect you from. i sdont see why anyone would have one. what would it achive? girls - it will degrade you and mess you up emotionally. guys - it will make you seperate love from sex and if you do it often enough it will mess up your respect for your wife when you get married.

dont do it.
Reply 2
personally, terrible. i dont see why any self respecting person would do it. sorry. and there are diseases out there like crabs or warts that condoms cant protect you from. i sdont see why anyone would have one. what would it achive? girls - it will degrade you and mess you up emotionally. guys - it will make you seperate love from sex and if you do it often enough it will mess up your respect for your wife when you get married.

dont do it.

Don't be such a tit all your life.

Who are you to say what it will and won't do?
Reply 3
A nice typical shinytoy respsonse there :rolleyes:

I wouldn't consider a ONS turning into a relationship, same as for a fbuddy arrangement. If you feel you can remove yourself emotionally from the act that is sex (that is, not making love which IMO is completely different) and you fancy a bit, then it is up to you.
personally, terrible. i dont see why any self respecting person would do it. sorry. and there are diseases out there like crabs or warts that condoms cant protect you from. i sdont see why anyone would have one. what would it achive? girls - it will degrade you and mess you up emotionally. guys - it will make you seperate love from sex and if you do it often enough it will mess up your respect for your wife when you get married.

dont do it.

lol. Someone brainwashed you good. Of course everyone who has regular, casual sex has some sort of minging disease!!!

I should stop before I catch something, if I haven't already!

I try not to see girls that have sex with me on the first night or the first time I meet them as slags but when they say "I hope you don't think I'm a slut" its hard not to.

Having said that one night stands are did turn into a relationship but not a very good one. I would look as a one night stand as a one night stand and not expect anything more.
Reply 5
i dont see why my opinion is any less valid than anyone elses.

i dont see why anyone would want one. i mean i can understand a short fling for a few weeks or months . but why for one night only?
Reply 6
lol. Someone brainwashed you good. Of course everyone who has regular, casual sex has some sort of minging disease!!!

I should stop before I catch something, if I haven't already!

seriously man. some dont even have symptoms until you go infertile. its a risk you take, and the liklihood of getting one rises the mor one night stands you have. you cant be that bad im sure one of those girls will want to be with you.

im sure it wuld damage your ego to have them?
Reply 7
personally, terrible. i dont see why any self respecting person would do it. sorry. and there are diseases out there like crabs or warts that condoms cant protect you from. i sdont see why anyone would have one. what would it achive? girls - it will degrade you and mess you up emotionally. guys - it will make you seperate love from sex and if you do it often enough it will mess up your respect for your wife when you get married.

dont do it.

I wouldn't generalise it that much! You seem to have quite a narrow view about this, is this from experience or experience of someone you know who has?

Yes I've had a couple but I wouldn't now. It was in my younger days where I was naive and wanted some fun.

'mess you up emotionally' - I don't see myself as messed up. Not everyone deals with situations badly.
Reply 8
i dont see why my opinion is any less valid than anyone elses.

i dont see why anyone would want one. i mean i can understand a short fling for a few weeks or months . but why for one night only?

Have your opinion by all means, but DON'T go around saying what we will feel. You don't know that.

I've had an ONS and it hasn't degraded me or messed me up emotinally.
Reply 9
Have your opinion by all means, but DON'T go around saying what we will feel. You don't know that.

I've had an ONS and it hasn't degraded me or messed me up emotinally.

ONE might not, but if you actually read my post, i said REGULARLY as in MANY, FREQUENTLY.
Errr...Shinytoy...weren't you going on about shagging some exchange student the other day?
I personally wouldn't do it. I'd feel used afterwards. But my room mate had a one night stand with a guy last year and currently they've been going out 6 months. So they're not bad all the time. lol.
Have your opinion by all means, but DON'T go around saying what we will feel. You don't know that.

I've had an ONS and it hasn't degraded me or messed me up emotinally.

Ditto :rolleyes:

All my sensible comments are in the other - safe sex - thread.
seriously man. some dont even have symptoms until you go infertile. its a risk you take, and the liklihood of getting one rises the mor one night stands you have. you cant be that bad im sure one of those girls will want to be with you.

im sure it wuld damage your ego to have them?

lol don't worry man. I know how to take care of myself. Every girl wants to be with me. I'm the living legend; Italian stallion :p:

PMA. You needs to lighten up and wonder if maybe everything you read is really how it is FOR REAL when you EXPERIENCE it instead of get told it by some fool.
Don't think I'd do it. I kind of already have but not really by choice (not going into that here) and I worried for months and months about what I might have caught. Hell I have a lovely, steady boyfriend now and I'm still paranoid about pregnancy and diseases. I don't know how people have multiple one night stands and don't worry themselves to death about getting herpes, warts, crabs etc etc. It just isn't for me. Not even so much about the actual sex and emotional side, it's just the fear of the consequences.
lol. Someone brainwashed you good. Of course everyone who has regular, casual sex has some sort of minging disease!!!

I should stop before I catch something, if I haven't already!

I try not to see girls that have sex with me on the first night or the first time I meet them as slags but when they say "I hope you don't think I'm a slut" its hard not to.

Having said that one night stands are did turn into a relationship but not a very good one. I would look as a one night stand as a one night stand and not expect anything more.

And the next shower of neg rep goes to... :rolleyes:

You disgust me.
I can't say I personally like the idea of no strings sex.

I don't think I could have sex with anybody who I wasn't going to have some sort of future with, and I don't think I could have sex with anybody who I thought would be the kind of person to have a one night stand.

I guess also it's a trust issue too, I wouldn't feel comfortable getting emotionally involved with somebody who just "has sex" with people.

I have no moral problems with it, and if two consenting adults want to get on the norty with each other then that's great, for them :smile:
Reply 17
I don't personally see the point in ONS anyways. Sex is much much better in a relationship when you know what buttons to push and what makes your partner tick.
Reply 18
Errr...Shinytoy...weren't you going on about shagging some exchange student the other day?

i was hoping it would be more than one night i was thinking for a couple months until he is gone

lol don't worry man. I know how to take care of myself. Every girl wants to be with me. I'm the living legend; Italian stallion :p:

PMA. You needs to lighten up and wonder if maybe everything you read is really how it is FOR REAL when you EXPERIENCE it instead of get told it by some fool.

man im not a fool im sure there are many people wh disagree with ONSs

none of you have given any good reason FOR having one.
I don't personally see the point in ONS anyways. Sex is much much better in a relationship when you know what buttons to push and what makes your partner tick.

And there is that too, I would imagine sex with just one person, one time would be a bit lack lustre.

It took my last partner and I months to get it perfect (although, we were both virgins to start :redface: ), but it made it even more special because of it.

none of you have given any good reason FOR having one.

I heard a rumour going around, that sex might actually be fun for both/all parties involved.