The Student Room Group
They record your license plate I imagine. They can also chase if they have another car nearby ready. They do that a lot on the A3 coming into london the swines.
Reply 2
Have neither of you watched Hot Fuzz! They will chase you down until you stop.
Where I work in Essex Police, If its on a slow road they will just stop the car there and then, normally by a Officer walking out inf ront and signallign you to stop. If its a quicker road say like a A road then normally they'll stop you by following you
Reply 4
Basically what happened, I was going along a road at about 37-38ish and there were two policemen with them speed guns, they didnt stop me but i was wondering if they might have clocked my licence plate and therefore will send me a notification of intended prosecution or whatever they are called?
Reply 5
If your speedometer was reading 37, and perhaps you were actually a little bit slower, you might have been within the acceptable levels.
Reply 6
I know they don't always stop you if you have been caught with a speed gun. There is one road near where I live where they love hiding in peoples driveways can catching people. My mum ended up getting caught, and got a letter through the post, there was nothing happened at the time, they didn't try and stop her or anything.

Maybe like cage says, you may have still be with the 'acceptable limits'. Anyway, either way theres not a lot you can do now, just wait and see. :frown: sorry!
Reply 7
Thanks guys, I guess I will just have to wait and pray!!! Does anyone know how long it could take for me to receive a letter if i have been caught??
Reply 8
They use a lot of these guns by me, what they tend to do is stand on the side of the road with a gun, then a police officer on a motorbike will be parked a bit further on. Normally, if youre caught going over the speed limit they flag you down to stop, if you dont then they'll pursue you on the bike. I assume that they hand you the penalty there and then, if not then you'll get it through the post
Reply 9
I'm pretty sure its 14 days, provided you are the owner of the car. If its a car through work, cortesey (sp?) car etc, then it has to get to the owner in that time limit, not the driver.
Ah thanks to my fathers constant speeding I have lots of experience with this situation :biggrin:

When my dads been caught in the past they take a picture of your registration plate and send you a letter informing you that you were speeding. Usually within 2 weeks I do believe it is.
Then if you want to appeal you can request a copy of the photo and they will send you a photo of your car speeding and the calculated speed on the side.

You then pay the fine/ appeal accordingly.
Reply 11
haha WELL, now you mention getting caught with speed guns, it happened to me a week or so ago. Basically doing 70ish in a 30 zone (bearing in mind this road is completely empty, a good view of whats ahead and fields either side). And quite bravely, after the dude clocked me, he stepped on to the road and signalled me stop. Needless to say I got an absolute *******ing, and had to answer a load of questions about the car and where I live etc. After checking my details he then had another go at me, before taking sympathy because as a new driver I only have 6 points, and fining me would have meant banning me too. (blah blah I deserved to be banned, don't get on your high horse-some not all of you)

Well anyways, I got away with a very verbal warning. Quite lucky since my mate got clocked doing 35mph and was giving 3 points and a £60 fine!
Reply 12
haha WELL, now you mention getting caught with speed guns, it happened to me a week or so ago. Basically doing 70ish in a 30 zone (bearing in mind this road is completely empty, a good view of whats ahead and fields either side). And quite bravely, after the dude clocked me, he stepped on to the road and signalled me stop. Needless to say I got an absolute *******ing, and had to answer a load of questions about the car and where I live etc. After checking my details he then had another go at me, before taking sympathy because as a new driver I only have 6 points, and fining me would have meant banning me too. (blah blah I deserved to be banned, don't get on your high horse-some not all of you)

Well anyways, I got away with a very verbal warning. Quite lucky since my mate got clocked doing 35mph and was giving 3 points and a £60 fine!

As if.
If you were caught doing 70 in a 30 they would never let you off.
Its hardly clever anyway.
Reply 13
As if.
If you were caught doing 70 in a 30 they would never let you off.
Its hardly clever anyway.

*sigh*...this forum is just full of smart arses. Clearly you would know as you were there.
Reply 14
*sigh*...this forum is just full of smart arses. Clearly you would know as you were there.

How is that being a smart arse?

Sorry, I just dont believe that if a police officer caught you doing 70 in a 30 he would let you off with just a warning 'out of sympathy'
Reply 15
well he did and I live to tell the tale. get over it.
Reply 16
T be fair, one of my mates was clocked doing 60 through a 30 at about 2am and got followed home by a police car, but was jsut given a warning. I think it depends on where you are, what time it is, and what your local police force thinks of speeders.

My mum got caught by one of those guns tho, and just got stopped at the side of the road. It was during one of those road safety campaigns, so there was a load of Y6 kids with the policeman. She didn't get a fine, but had to deal with the embarrasment 15 curious kids watching her getting shouted at...
Don’t speed and you wouldn’t have to worry would you?
Reply 18
Original post by Martin_S27
Don’t speed and you wouldn’t have to worry would you?

You're bumping this ELEVEN YEAR OLD thread