haha WELL, now you mention getting caught with speed guns, it happened to me a week or so ago. Basically doing 70ish in a 30 zone (bearing in mind this road is completely empty, a good view of whats ahead and fields either side). And quite bravely, after the dude clocked me, he stepped on to the road and signalled me stop. Needless to say I got an absolute *******ing, and had to answer a load of questions about the car and where I live etc. After checking my details he then had another go at me, before taking sympathy because as a new driver I only have 6 points, and fining me would have meant banning me too. (blah blah I deserved to be banned, don't get on your high horse-some not all of you)
Well anyways, I got away with a very verbal warning. Quite lucky since my mate got clocked doing 35mph and was giving 3 points and a £60 fine!