The Student Room Group

clicking neck!

hey, a couple of years ago i got hit in the back, i think it was in sports.
since then i have had a clicking neck!:mad: its really annoying!
i've been to the doctor a few times about it and each time they say there's nothing they can do about it, if it was serious then apparently it would hurt more. and they say that i'm too young (17) to risk an x-ray.
also they say its about growing up, but a coincidence it started when i hurt my back?:confused:

looks like i'm gonna have a clicking neck for the rest of my life!
Reply 1
Mine's done that for ages lol - along with the rest of my body.
Reply 2
how old are you and how long have you been clicking?:smile:
and loads of people have clicking knees etc, so its nice to know someone else has an annoying neck:p:
Reply 3
I click all the time. My ankles click. I crack my knuckles. My neck clicks. It really scares people when I do it. Also my back. People waffle to me about arthritis but I'm not sure it has anything to do with that. Plus once I've clicked I feel more comfortable. I think some people click and some people don't. My neck and back haven't always clicked, I don't know what caused it, but I don't worry about it.
I heard that clicking was due to Nitrogen(?) bubbles popping in joints. My neck, jaw and elbow click all the time and I havent broken/damaged them. I wouldnt panic unless it hurts.
Reply 6
I click all the time. My ankles click. I crack my knuckles. My neck clicks. It really scares people when I do it. Also my back. People waffle to me about arthritis but I'm not sure it has anything to do with that. Plus once I've clicked I feel more comfortable. I think some people click and some people don't. My neck and back haven't always clicked, I don't know what caused it, but I don't worry about it.

Same here, except for the back. I heard somewhere that most joints are OK, but the neck and back is really bad for you. Don't count on it though, as it's just one of those 'I heard somewhere' things.

Also, how come some people find it really annoying and some are OK? Seems weird.
Elija Black
Same here, except for the back. I heard somewhere that most joints are OK, but the neck and back is really bad for you. Don't count on it though, as it's just one of those 'I heard somewhere' things.

Also, how come some people find it really annoying and some are OK? Seems weird.

Because some people are in more pain than others. Some get worse stiffening of the joints than others. And so on. :p: