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Reply 1
A burning sensation when you urinate? PErhaps it feels tickleish or hypesensitive?

How does it feel for you?
If what british bulldog describes what you have, then you need to go to the doctors. They should give you something to fight it.
Reply 3
stingy allmost and i need to pee alot but im scared to go because its stingy and sore , my lower back and stomach have a weird pain too
Reply 4
When I had a urinary tract infection I had stinging when I passed urine and blood too. But blood isn't always present. Try some cystitis relief sachets or see a doc.
Reply 5
how do i get rid of it fast and should i work with it .
There is no fast cure other than going to the doctors or the relief sachets. But I would advice getting an appointment with the doctor.
Reply 7
ok and what would happen at the doctor because i dont want to have to show her down below or anythin
Reply 8
You would just describe your symptoms, and the Doctor would probably prescribe you some antibiotics to get rid of it.
Reply 9
ok cool thanx
Doctors deal with this sort of thing everyday, it is nothing new to them.
Reply 11
Oh come on, shes probably just going to take a urine sample. But even if she did need to take a look, you're an adult (presumably), suck it up and just drop your trousers, Doctors aren't going to laugh at you.
Reply 12
Oh by the way, if the Doctor has any doubt - unlikely due to the symptoms - then they may ask for a urine sample to test, but there'll be nothing more intrusive than that :wink:
Reply 13
ok and should it be sore to wipe aswell
you'll probably just have to pee in a cup, and then the doc will put a dipstick in and test for presence of white blood cells, and then will prescribe you some antibiotics.
drink plenty of water in the mean time
Reply 15
well its just come on tonight so il try get an appointment in the morning do you think il need to stay off work
Reply 16
Does your work involve a lot of paid urinating?
Reply 17
im a dental nurse and am on my feet all day and dont really get regular breaks only if patients fail which they dont very often
Reply 18
OK we've established you do indeed have a urinary tract infection. You need to go see your GP to get some medication so that it clears up.
They often clear up withint 3 days apparantly.