Well you pay for a total of 40 hours in advance (of flying), 5 hours are provided in the Simulator (the maximum that can be counted towards a PPL). If you have no flying experience then there is no way that you can get a Night Rating within the pre-paid 40 hours. If you want to pay a bit more to the flying school then obviously you're more than welcome to get more flying hours in.
If you're definitely interested in the DEGREE then do it, otherwise look for flight training schemes in the USA/australia/NZ or even spain. They work out at a similar price arent you arent tied in to uni for three years.
Saying that, I wouldnt recommend training in a foreign country because of the weather being TOO good - you come back to the UK and you have a lot to learn!
You might want to look into the PPL syllabus online to get a good idea of what it involves. The prepaid hours will take most students in to exercise 18 - navigation (Ex 19 is done on the sim). Often you will have to pay for a couple more hours to complete the cross country flights and the skills test. As far as the uni is concerned, you dont even have to take the test - they just want you to do the training and produce a rather lengthy report at the end of second year.
That's about all I can say anyway if you have any more questions post them on here!