Here's the deal. I'm skint, and because I dedicate term time to working on my course, I've decided to work over the summer. I go to university in Manchester which means there are at least fifty times as many job opportunities here than there are back at home (Lincolnshire, out in the sticks), plus I have a house with a 52 week contract which starts on July 1st for which I am expected to pay the rent (my dad would require me to pay rent if I stayed at home for longer than a month over the summer - it's a sort of family rule, as I'm over 18 now).
All this is good, but I've only got 1 or 2 friends staying in Manc over the summer. Has anyone else done or is doing anything similar? Definitely need to earn money, but when I'm not working I'd like to be able to get out of the house! Any experiences of staying in your uni city/town/whatever over the summer holidays would be appreciated. Cheers.