The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i'm dating 2 girls at the moment met one at a club and the other at a library. Your never going to get anywhere if your afriad to talk to people
that would be an ecumenical matter
Reply 3
So the dating thread was unsuccessful. Helenia said "to meet people, just start chatting", but for the shy people among us this can not always be so easy, therefore:

Try 2: perhaps people on TSR who are already dating other people on TSR can tell of how it came about and/or could give some advice about dating in general.

I meant on TSR - if you're shy about just talking to people on here then having a lonely hearts thread isn't really going to help - it'll just "match up" people badly.

I met my first boyfriend on a drunken formal swap. It was an ever so classy drunken pull which worked out, luckily. But I was 20 at the time, so it's not like I'm an expert at the whole game!
General Mullet
that would be an ecumenical matter

Ha! :biggrin: lovin' the quote.

h8: I think the best thing is just to let these things come naturally. If a guy starts talking to you, don't be afraid to talk back. If they're talking to you it's because they want to. If you want to talk to somebody, do it casually/on purpose when the situation arises. Worst thing you can do is worry about it/try to force it.
I'll give you a real-life example: my boyfriend is quite shy (we work together) and he wouldn't talk to me much. So I'd make an effort to talk to him at lunch time (canteen situation) and after a while this became a place where we both found it comfortable to just natter away. I think familiarity is good.

If you meet them on a night out: this is harder I admit. But people are out to socialise so just try to bite the bullet and say hi when you're at the bar. If you've got a mutual friend, get an intro.
met my boyfriend at school; my teacher ;-)
Reply 6
So the dating thread was unsuccessful. Helenia said "to meet people, just start chatting", but for the shy people among us this can not always be so easy, therefore:

Try 2: perhaps people on TSR who are already dating other people on TSR can tell of how it came about and/or could give some advice about dating in general.

You're asking for dating advice and how to meet people - from TSRers who met their partners from over the internet? Let's just say the "people" skills are rather different and more complex when you're in person and not conducting long distance relationships.

Follow Helenia's advice. Talk. Build up your confidence and believe in yourself. If you need it, have a friend to console you and boost your confidence. I have a friend who's rather insecure about herself and she rings me whenever she needs a little encouragement, and it goes a long way, having someone there to reassure you. But in the end, it's up to you to make the move and make the decisions, so in the end, it still boils down to whether or not you're confident enough to take action, do something about your feelings - and get chatting and get to know the person!
met my boyfriend at school; my teacher ;-)

ah is that legal?
met my boyfriend at school; my teacher ;-)

hahaha wtf.
Reply 9
I met my last girlfriend in the queue for an ATM at the bank. We were both awe-struck by an incredibly massive dog going by (could well have passed for a Shetland pony had it not, well, looked like a dog.. never seen anything like it in my life) - chatted about that for a bit, and then I saw her a again a few times around uni and the rest was history.
okie, well he's my EX-teacher an YES it's legal, I'm turning 20 this year :-)
So the dating thread was unsuccessful. Helenia said "to meet people, just start chatting", but for the shy people among us this can not always be so easy, therefore:

Try 2: perhaps people on TSR who are already dating other people on TSR can tell of how it came about and/or could give some advice about dating in general.

Does this mean you're also single now? One of your prior threads you had a fiancee then negged me for being 'too judgemental' :wink:

As for dating advice; be yourself and confident within that. Simple.
Reply 12
So the dating thread was unsuccessful. Helenia said "to meet people, just start chatting", but for the shy people among us this can not always be so easy, therefore:

Try 2: perhaps people on TSR who are already dating other people on TSR can tell of how it came about and/or could give some advice about dating in general.

Summer is coming up. Don't girls just walk around and wait to be hit on?

Anyway, yoda shall suggest talking to randomers. Some guys will take this as a compliment. And you shall never see the ones who do not wish to be randomly spoken to again.