The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Sounds like tinnitus. If you've been to a place with lots of loud noise (clubs, parties) it is probably temporary and will go after a day or whatever.
If it doesn't go, go to your GP who will help you sort it out and/or refer you to a specialist.
Reply 2
Yeah I get tinnitus, it's really annoying but there's nothing you can do about it and just wait till it goes away.
Reply 3
Mine's pretty much constant, but because I spend a lot of time with background noise, it's only noticable at night when everything (computer especially) is turned off.

As you may have read from another post of mine to do with sleeping, I've ended up listening to music as I fall asleep because it's so annoying.
someone i know had ringing on and off and they always complained about their ear feeling blocked and couldn't hear sound so well. they went 2 doctors and got them syringed and said it went completely.
May be same 4 u or maybe u have tinnitus.
either way go to ur doctor
hope u get it sorted soon
Reply 5
And, when the doctor said I didn't have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life.
Reply 6
I have it, and I got referred to a hearing specialist at the hospital. I checked out fine after doing some hearing tests, doctor said some people just hear it "more" than others.

Although it’s really annoying, I've had it for so long it doesn't really bother me any more. Also, it sadly never goes away :frown:
Reply 7
my right ear seems somewhat blocked and keeps 'ringing'. does anyone know anyway to stop this? it's not painful or anything, it's just REALLY annoying.

If it's because your ear is blocked then the tinnitus should go away when the blockage is gone.
ok, im on a silly computer, if this post works, i type what i would like to say...
but this is a test, as i don't think it will let me...!
wow, it let me!

I have tinnitus, iv had it about 19 months now. i literally just woke up with it.
At first my right ear felt blocked, and was ringing. I was MORTIFIED! but i went to the doctors. At first he said it could be... fluid behind my ear drum. but it wasnt.
he also said, 'it may go away in 5 hours, 5 days or 5 weeks.. i don't know'..
the prospect of this made me sad.
time went by.. i went back to the docs,..... who reffered me to a specialist, ENT doctor. I had an MRI scan, and luckily found nothing. In the end, he reckoned it was stress. but looking back, it could have been loud music. (even tho, i honestly believed i hadnt been exposed to much..)
It is something that takes time to get used. believe me, its gets more managable as time goes by.
MY tip is to try and forget about it, as soon as u hear it, think of something else.
There is something called TRT (tinnitus retraining therapy, i think).
But I will let u discover that...
Above all, what I cling to is... The ENT guy saying 'eventually, it will fizzle out, it always does...'
Also, it can cause u no harm, its just the brain fooling you into u thinking that u can hear something.
And... suprisingly, there are LOADSA of people with tinnitus. belive me, u r not alone.
best wishes.:smile: