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hope this helps, sorry i've never known anyone with or had any experience with compulsive liars.

Good Luck!
Reply 2
**** that its $8
Stay off the dope.
Reply 4
Try thinking before you speak.
I am a compulsive liar.

My doctor has had no positive things to say, I bit the bullet and wrote everything down and gave it to my shrink. They haven't focussed on it though in treatment, I am still doing it. Although, at least I know I have a problem.
I lie a stupid amount but I don't think its necessarily compulsive. Before I just used to blurt stuff out when a lie came into my head, usually made up stuff about myself to make myself sound better or like most, to avoid tricky situations :rolleyes: Anyway what's helped me is to think about why I'm lieing when a lie comes to mind, why i'm lieing to this person, what the consequences are and what they'll think/their reaction to my lie will be.
Numerous occasions lies have got out of hand and you start weaving in details that you forget, then when someone asks you about it you've forgotten and the whole lie speedily unravels, its a nasty habit to get into. So yeah my only advice is to think before you lie really, 9 times out of 10 its just easier on everyone to tell the truth and its a lot easier :p:
Reply 7
My goodness Hollz, you live about ten minutes away from me and go to the same college as my boyfriend.

I'm not a compulsive liar and i've never had any experiences with someone who is, but there is help available out there if you want it, it's just a matter of finding it. Speaking to someone is a good idea though, as long as you are prepared to stick to it.
Reply 8
I know a compulsive liar. We confronted her about it and she dismissed it all and kept doing it (her lies ranged from unbelievably petty to really serious) and she too lost all her friends. And I mean ALL of them. The only friends she has now are those she's lied to about us bullying her.

Just think, do you want to end up like that? People who say that can't stop lying really mean that they don't want to stop. Admit to your friends that you do it, ask them to give you another chance and to point out every lie you say that they notice to help you stop. Think before you speak. It's not hard.
Reply 9
Everyone lies a bit...
When you believe your lies you've got a problem...
I lie a stupid amount but I don't think its necessarily compulsive. Before I just used to blurt stuff out when a lie came into my head, usually made up stuff about myself to make myself sound better or like most, to avoid tricky situations :rolleyes: Anyway what's helped me is to think about why I'm lieing when a lie comes to mind, why i'm lieing to this person, what the consequences are and what they'll think/their reaction to my lie will be.
Numerous occasions lies have got out of hand and you start weaving in details that you forget, then when someone asks you about it you've forgotten and the whole lie speedily unravels, its a nasty habit to get into. So yeah my only advice is to think before you lie really, 9 times out of 10 its just easier on everyone to tell the truth and its a lot easier :p:

some people can lie without realising they're doing it they continue to lie even to people who can see right through them it can be that obvious to them!!
some people can lie without realising they're doing it they continue to lie even to people who can see right through them it can be that obvious to them!!

I do sometimes lie without realising and for no particular reason but I don't think the people who I'm lying to realise it. I've realised now though to create a false illusion of myself or something I've done in order to impress someone just isn't as satisfying which is why i go over the lie in my head, completely create what I'm going to say which in myself sort of satifies my need to lie before I actually lie to someone. It sounds so weird but I have found I'm lying less to people so I'm doing something right :p:
Reply 12
i think im a compulsive liar, well yeah i am a compulsive liar, i lost a few of my mates today coz of it. i want to stop lieng, since i stopped weed i started to lie to other druggies i want to avoid but nnw im lying all the time its getting scary things starting to **** up again,is it a disorder,do compulsive liars ever admit to being liars?k xx

How do we know you're actually a compulsive liar? You could be lying...
How do we know you're actually a compulsive liar? You could be lying...

Reply 14
I do sometimes lie without realising and for no particular reason but I don't think the people who I'm lying to realise it.

If I were you, I wouldn't give people's intelligence so little credit as to presume that they don't know when you're lying to them. Well done for trying to sort yourself out of course, that's more than most people would do, but satisfying the urge to lie probably won't be as effective in the long run as getting rid of the urge. Good luck.
If I were you, I wouldn't give people's intelligence so little credit as to presume that they don't know when you're lying to them. Well done for trying to sort yourself out of course, that's more than most people would do, but satisfying the urge to lie probably won't be as effective in the long run as getting rid of the urge. Good luck.

I don't give them little credit it's just their reactions arn't those of someone who thinks someone is lying. And I don't really tell petty lies so I suppose that's what makes them easier to believe...
Perhaps satisyfing as such was the wrong word, I'm just more conscious of when I concoct a lie so I stop myself from verbalising it
i think im a compulsive liar, well yeah i am a compulsive liar, i lost a few of my mates today coz of it. i want to stop lieng, since i stopped weed i started to lie to other druggies i want to avoid but nnw im lying all the time its getting scary things starting to **** up again,is it a disorder,do compulsive liars ever admit to being liars?k xx

Write a fiction book or something.
I told a pretty big lie a few months ago, and I have to ride out the consequences of this lie for at least another 12 months. I'm just hoping no one finds out by that time.

There are so many scenarios in which it'd be possible for the lie to come out and for me to look like either an idiot or a horrible person. I am always on edge.
Reply 18
I know im a liar because I got caught out, thats what counseling did for me, removed anxiety give me the cant give a **** attitude :wink: yeah but complusive liars are normally insecure. Its really bad for me now. because im so honest i can almost instantly tell when people are lying to me, they dont realise omg i feel like as if that was me back then looking like a dick, my close mate was doing it today i could just feel sorry for her though, stop lying serious otherwise its going to hit the fan, say it again STOP STOP STOP
Reply 19
Are you lying now? :p: