The Student Room Group

Ib Business Hl Revision ( Paper 1 + Paper 2 )

Alright, on the 17th all of us Business Hl and Sl students have our paper 1 and on the 18th we have our paper 2. So now is the time to come together as a community !! Hehe :biggrin:

So guys for paper 1, i don't know if many of u guys have seen but there is an exelent thread with LOADS of info on gladrags ltd. So in my personal opinion Gladrags is the most time consuming but also the easiest one if i may say.

But for paper on on the other hand, i'm a bit lost on what to study ? what are the significant modules of our syllabus? what might and what will not show up in the exams ? paper 2

So please share opinions? and notes if you have any ?

THanks, Congo. :suitc:
um...paper 1 is the one on gladrags! paper 2 is the one with short case studies! dont get confused!! :smile:

as for paper HR, production (lead time, job and batch production all that stuff), franchising, joint ventures, mergers, alliances (advantages and disadvantages of all of those are also imp), organizational structures, managing change, marketing mix, product portfolio...thats some stuff thats important as i rem more ill post :biggrin:

hope it helps...
Reply 2
Yhea yhea, sorry confused the papers :biggrin: alright well il get cracking on those things then... any moree opinions ?
Reply 3
They cover the syllabus quite well between the two I guess you'll have to study most (if not all) modules..specially the ones you're weak at..I'm not reviewing for Paper 2 technically anyway..don't get me wrong I'm reviewing all the modules but I'm applying everything to the Gladrags case study (P1) because whatever isn't on Paper 1 has a great chance of showing up on Paper 2
Reply 4
Hello, I was just wondering where did you post Paper 1 and 2. I cannot find them in this forum and I to have a Business HL exam. I would appreciate it greatly if someone could help me. Thnx.:smile:
Reply 5
Way to bump a thread from 2 years

For past exams, either go the thread about past papers in this forum (it's stickied), or (i did a quick google search), get the links from