How does TSR behave on dates?
Like a computer server would.
Do you act really formally? Or just as you would going out with friends...
As with mates. Flirtatios and fun.
As a girl, do you offer to pay for anything (meal, tickets) or let your date do it/offer? Do you prefer to go halves?
I'll be paying thank you.
How does a first date differ to other first dates if you know the person?
Tension factor. Also, nerves etc.
How made up do you TSR ladies (and gents too) get? I know obviously this depends on where you are going and what you are going to do but any ideas on this would help.
Decent going out wear. Look as fantastic as possible. Not too little, not too much.
What makes a good date? The person or the "date" itself?
How does a date differ from meeting up and spending time together? Is a date a date because it is so called? (I'm curious )
Date tis but a word. But its generally more formal.
How far is too far in terms of crossing the physical barrier in reference to a FIRST date? I suppose essentially sex is the furthest you can go...
As far as you like.
Is it appropriate to bring the person a small gift?
How soon after the first date do you tend to make the next?
Whatever rocks.
Do you "date" several people at once then go "exclusive" or stick to regularly dating one person?
One person. I wouldn't be happy if my date was dating several others.
Any other hints or tips which might help a novice dater or to add dating ideas for places to go and things to do? I hope this helps other people too . I'm just generally curious as to people's views on dating and whether it should really be taken seriously...
Don't be too serious and have fun. Turning up in a Tractor/4x4 is always a winner. Or is that me?
Oh, and yes, I used to take my ex out on dates in a muddy defender. She loved it, strangely.