In school I had a really great group of friends, there were five of us in total, three guys and two girls. During our last few months of school, we all became quite close. Myself and one of the guys started dating, which was awkward at first because one of the other guys, lets call him X liked me too. He took it really well despite the fact my boyfriend knew how he felt and went out with me anyway.
We left school, things were great for a while but now our little group is slowly but surely breaking up. The other girl is no longer liked by any of us, and X is now kicking up a fuss whenever he can. All this happened over a year ago, it really shouldn't be an issue but X was always great with my boyfriend and I, now he is a complete pain in the arse. I know i'm being rude, but it's true.
My boyfriend and I have become incredibly close over the last year, of course we have but X doesn't seem to realise this. My boyfriend see's him when he can which can sometimes be difficult with college and work, it doesn't help that X works full time either. He does his best and even though we see each other around twice a week, I try to encourage my boyfriend to give up one of those days to spend time with him because I believe he feels a bit left out now that everyone has moved onto higher education and made new groups of friends. He is the only one that works full time and is clinging on to whatever friendships he had, friendships that clearly aren't working anymore.
He's starting to be rude about me though, despite us being great friends for quite a while. Whenever my boyfriend refuses to go out he gets the whole "That's because you're seeing Louise AGAIN" or "You seeing that girlfriend of yours?". I mean, i'm not just his girlfriend, i'm an individual who X used to be very good friends with. I don't really understand why he has changed towards me, i've not done anything. Okay, that's not a great example but it's the reason that i've made this thread so I thought I would use it. This was said around five minutes ago and it really annoyed me.
It's really starting to upset me, I thought we were better friends than that but obviously not. Is it worth mentioning this to him and trying to find out what his problem is? Like i've said, I can only encourage my boyfriend to see him more often, I can't physically make him do it. X's attitude is completely putting my boyfriend off seeing him but over and over again, I get the blame. Is it something I should try and sort out or should I just leave things well alone? His feelings towards me have quite clearly changed over the past couple of months, is it really worth trying to get back our friendship?
Anyone with any opinions would be great. I just don't really understand how things could change so much over absolutely nothing. It's not my fault that X works every day therefore he doesn't get to see my boyfriend. When X is off, my boyfriend is working but somehow, that's my fault. I know I should probably move on but I really thought we were friends, I didn't think he would turn on me. Any thoughts?
Edit: I actually feel quite silly asking for advice, because I know what I would say to someone who was in my position but for some reason, I think I just really need to hear it from someone else.